Chapter 33 - Happily Ever After (Finale)

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Once you were able to come home with the baby, the house was incredibly lively. Yoongi did his best to juggle the baby with work, writing lyrics and producing, but most of the parenting fell on you. You knew it would be like this, idols are very busy after all, and Yoongi was doing all he could; it was hard to be mad at him for anything. He often fell asleep while spending time with you or the baby due to his long days at the studio and long nights, trying to catch up on his music while also tending to the baby so you could get some sleep. You had a deal, as much as possible, Yoongi would take the nights while you slept, and you would take the days while he was at work. It wasn't always so bad though, the boys often had breaks now that the photoshoots and Japanese recordings were done. Still, because of the hectic schedule, Yoongi would often pass out without meaning to.

The baby in your arms and Yoongi asleep in your lap, you'd think it would drive you crazy, but these simple moments of peace were nice. Hoseok was a model 'Uncle', helping Yoongi with the baby at night and you during his days off. His extra energy really came through. Namjoon was around more often than you though he'd be, he seemed to really like the baby. Having them around was a life saver. Taehyung and Jimin often came around to play with the baby, but as soon as he would start crying, they would take off. It's not that they couldn't handle it, but only one thing made that baby stop crying and it was you. Hobi tried many times, but just like his father, the baby was stubborn.


"Yoongi, I thought of a few names, tell me what you think.", you say, handing him a piece of paper with baby names written on it. "Did you think of any?"

"No... Song titles I can do, babies... not so much, but I trust you to pick the perfect name, babygirl."

Reading over the list, his brow raises, "Oh, I like this one.", he points to the name on the paper.

"I had a feeling you'd pick that one.", you smile.

"You know me too well, besides, how could I resist?", he smiles back.

"Well then.", you look at the baby while Yoongi comes to sit next to you, playing with the baby's hand with one finger, "I guess you officially have a name now, my little Hyeonseung."

"That's a good name indeed.", Yoongi gives a smug smile.
(A/N: Hyeon means: Glitter, Glisten, Shine, Show Off or Flaunt. Seung means: Victory, Excel, Do better than. This plays off of Yoon-gi's name which means: Glitter, Glisten, Shine, Glow, Gloss and Intelligence)


The months go by faster than you imagined, soon enough Hyeonseung is already three months old. Life has gotten back on schedule now that he is sleeping through the night. Yoongi has pretty much moved into your room, staying with you and the baby as much as possible. You can't imagine how rough those three months would have been without the guys all pitching in to help.

Jin has been taking constant photos for the album Jungkook got you and he and Lisa often take over baby duty, practicing for the day they are free to have one of their own. Jungkook had been disappearing often, sometimes not coming back for a couple days. For the longest time he wouldn't tell anyone, keeping the big secret to himself. Eventually Tae and Jimin held him down and forced an answer out of him. It was a shock to everyone when they learned he had been sneaking out for months to see a girl he met online - the best friend that everyone thought was a man. Now that the cat was out of the bag, he has brought her over to the house a few times to meet the family. She was a little standoffish with you at first, knowing your past with Kookie, but soon enough she warmed up once she saw you interacting with Yoongi and the baby, seeing everyone else treat the situation like it was nothing. Hyejin was a bit of a fangirl at first, but much like Lisa, the novelty has worn off, knowing they are just seven normal idiots.

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