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The majestic sea-green sky hugged the planet from above like a mother embracing her children. Elegant tropicanas, colourful toucans and parrots and splendid fairywren with their large wings spread wide, soared high in the sky in a meandering pattern which made it seem they were playing with each other.

The surface was embellished with lush green meadows brightened up by the golden rays of the sun and small trees with pink blossoms,whose branches initially bent towards the ground and then shot upwards as if inviting young children to climb its bough.

The surface was embellished with lush green meadows brightened up by the golden rays of the sun and small trees with pink blossoms,whose branches initially bent towards the ground and then shot upwards as if inviting young children to climb its bough

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Colourful peacocks and parotias spread their magnificent wings and danced captivatingly to attract mates while the bowerbird couple persevered in building their own home.

Through the grooves in the majestic mountains originated  huge crystal clear waterfalls which smashed on huge boulders and created the course of a blue river in which children played joyfully

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Through the grooves in the majestic mountains originated huge crystal clear waterfalls which smashed on huge boulders and created the course of a blue river in which children played joyfully.

Beautiful women possessing golden skin and handsome men having blue bodies danced together blissfully on the divine music playing from the heavens. They swirled and moved rhythmically in a circular pattern at the centre of which stood Radha. 

She was mesmerised by the divine moment that  transpired in front of her

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She was mesmerised by the divine moment that transpired in front of her. Tears streamed from her eyes as she too danced and swayed with the angelic beings or gop and gopis while the alluring tune played from above. The children danced, the rabbits danced, the peacocks danced, the trees and flowers danced, ...the entire nature swayed with this divine music. Huge amounts of unconditional love rushed through her heart and the divine bliss experienced by her could not simply be expressed through words.

 Huge amounts of unconditional love rushed through her heart and the divine bliss  experienced by her could not simply be expressed through words

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Radha swayed and swirled as her ghagra pirouetted like a whirlwind while all the gopis posed about her.This went on for what seemed like millennia when her companions in front of her parted. A bright light shined on Radha's eyes which almost blinded her. As her vision cleared, she saw a lean humanoid male with a sky blue body. A peacock feather adorned his head behind which an halo shined divinely. She desperately tried to advance towards the figure as it seemed to attract her heart like a magnet. The unconditional love and bliss flowed more forcefully through her heart the more she proceeded towards the divine male.

 The unconditional love and bliss flowed more forcefully through her heart the more she proceeded towards the divine male

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 Her eyes became sharp and she could now see through the golden light which had prevented her from viewing her love...her love. Thats what he was. Radha realised that the blue male was her divine twin soul who was waiting for her in this golok. The peacock feather laden being spread his arms wide and called out in the most sweetest and mesmerising voice "Radheeee!"

And Radha woke up.  

Radha---A journey towards loveWhere stories live. Discover now