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The crowd's applause was thunderous. Dallon had just climbed back on stage from where he'd walked through the crowd, and he had them hanging on his every movement. He shushed them, and an all encompassing hush spread over the room. "I know you're excited for this next band." The room erupted with screams before he made them quiet again. "How about we play one last song for you though?" He signaled the drummer and they kicked into the song as the crowd sung along to every word.

"Yep, he's still great at getting the crowd riled up." Ryan yelled to Brendon over the music backstage. They were standing in the wings watching Dallon's new band play their set. Brendon nodded as IDKHow wrapped up and took their bows. Dallon looked happier than Ryan had ever seen him as he came off stage. He hugged each of them in turn, thanking them again. 

"Seriously, getting to play my own music to a crowd this receptive is a dream come true." Dallon yelled over the cheering that hadn't died down yet. 

"Your music's great." Ryan yelled back, clapping him on the arm with a smile. 

"I'm going to shower and then I'll watch you guys play." Dallon bounced past them heading to the dressing room, full of energy from a great performance. 

When Ryan turned back to Brendon he saw him grinning. "How is it possible that everything worked out this perfectly?" 

Ryan smacked his arm playfully. "Hey, don't jinx us! We haven't even played yet. You could mess up the lyrics, or I could trip over my own feet and eat shit on stage." Brendon laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. 

"Time to find out." Jon and Spencer joined them at the side of the stage. The three picked up their first instruments while Spencer pulled his drumsticks out of his back pocket. They took their places on the stage, barely able to see the audience beyond the bright spotlights. Ryan could see a couple signs being held up, but couldn't make out what they said. 

"It's great to be back." Brendon announced up at his mic. "I know we look a little different from the last time you saw us, and we even have a new name, but thank you all so much for coming out. We are called Panic! at the Disco, and we hope you're ready for a great night." He turned around to look at his new band as Spencer counted them in, and they begun the first show of the tour.

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