The Turnabout Memories [2]

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I just finished watching Gregory Edgeworth defeating Von Karma on a case that was very simple.

The case was about a man who murdered his ex girlfriend, with a dull machete, the guy that was the murderer was none other than Mr. Mache Tea.
Mr. Edgeworth completed the trial the defendant was found not guilty.

I just got out of the courtroom, and head over to congratulate Gregory Edgeworth on his defense work.

"Sakura San Miguel!" I heard a familiar voice, "Mr. Edgeworth! Good job on finding out who the real murderer was!" I claspped my hands tightly. "Of course! It is my job after all to defend people who are innocent, and find who the real culprit is." Mr. Edgeworth said.

"Ah, yes. I have to go now, I have to go home soon, family dinner, you know?" I smiled. "Yeah, I get you, want Miles and I to drop you off at your house?" Edgeworth offered as the three of us walked to the elevator. "Sure, why not. It's quicker, and plus I don't need to use the transit bus!" I smiled.

Two minutes later, the elevator dings and we all got on the elevator. As Mr. Egdeworth was about to close the door. We all heard a scream

"Wait!!!" The man screamed. Mr. Edgeworth opened the door, and let the man inside. Mr. Edgeworth then closed the door, and tapped the first floor button.

All four of us where fine and still standing, until there was this loud crash and all fell on the ground. Miles hit his head on the nearest wall beside him. I was pushed back to the furthest corner. Gregory Edgeworth was pushed against the wall across from Miles Edgeworth. The other man was in front of Gregory Edgeworth, on his kness.

"Ow.." The young boy said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Miles! Are you ok?" Gregory Edgeworth asked his son, "Yes father, I'm fine..." Miles said.

"Ah, F.... Frick" I said trying not to swear in front of the two adults in the same room.


"Father... I can't.... b-brea...the" Miles coughed hard.

I coughed hard and tried to breathe. Though, my breathing became very heavy and it feels like I was suffocating.

Mr. Edgeworth coughed "Hang... in there... Miles" Edgeworth reassured his own son, while I'm over here in the corner, helpless.


Two hours had gone by and there was no one outside to rescue us. Miles and I have been staying silent for at least 3 hours now.

"H-Help! I can't breathe!"

"Quiet! I said quiet! You're not making this any easier!"

"I want to get out! Help! Get us out!

"Don't shout! You'll just use up more oxygen!"

"I... I can't breathe! You... you're using up my air!"



"Stop breathing my air! I'll... I'll stop you!"

"Aaaah! Wh-what? What are you!?-"

"Stop breathing my aaaaair!"

Miles shot up from his position and freaked out when he saw the man attacking his father. He stayed at that exact position, shocked. He didn't know what to do.

That is until...He saw the pistol flew out of the man's grasp and landed by his feet. In Edgeworth's daze, he picked up the pistol...

Edgeworth threw the pistol, and him and I heard a loud bang, Edgeworth fell back against the wall and was left with little consciousness, while a blood curdling scream rung against outisde of the elevator room.

Everyone loses conciousness except for me. The elevator dings and I heard the doors opening. I knew it was my time to go but I had a bad feeling about standing up and leaving the elevator.

I was already curled up into a ball, so I might as well stay here. I tried to make sure that I played dead so they won't notice me, luckily they didn't.

A heard footsteps approaching the opened elevator and I heard a familiar man's voice.

Manfred Von Karma?

"Finally! After all these years, I've finally have a chance to take revenge on you, Gregory Edgeworth" Von Karma said in a sinister voice.

I was scared. Why was Von Karma here? What does he want from Miles' father?

Thoughts are swirling through my mind, until.

"I will finally end you, once and for all." Von Karma said as he cocked the pistol. "Now, no one will know who killed you!" Von Karma shouted.

Before I knew it, I heard a loud bang.

It appears that Von Karma had pulled the trigger on Gregory Edgeworth.


Von Karma thinks that people wouldn't know what had happened in the elevator, or what happened with Mr. Edgeworth. Sorry not sorry, Von Karma, I know what you did and I'm gonna prove it to the court.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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