There once was a little girl, only 10 years old, with goldilockes. The called her 'Red', after the red hood she would always wear. She lived in a village at the edge of a forest, one side is forest en one side is mountains. She lived there with her mom, her dad passed away before she was born. Once her mom told a stort about her dad, how he was the hero of the village, because he defeated the monster terrorising the village. But she never believed in the stories, but it was nice to believe her father was a hero. Every sunday midday she would visit her grand-mother and bring her basket filled with coockies. Though her grand-mother lived a village away. But it was a path through the forest to get there and it could be really scary once it became dark. So Red always made sure she was home before the dark. Once she came home from her grand-mother she would tell how good she was home before the dark. That is why her mom always let her go alone, because she knew she always came back before dark.

little red riding hood
FantasíaI am not an experienced writer and my native language is not English. But i wanted to try to write a Shortstory about how i always wanted it to be. It's about the story of Little Red Riding Hood, but with a little twist in the story.