The start and the end (part one)

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My alarm clock went mad. 

I woke up and grumbled as I rolled over in my bed to turn it off. 

"No Cara, wake up." I heard from behind me.

Dang it.  I thought, why couldn't I sleep in for one day? I reluctantly swung my legs out of bed, and rubbed my  eyes. 

Everything still blurry from morning sleepiness I said, "Why can't I just sleep for five more minutes?" I knew what the answer was going to be, but I still asked hoping for a, "Oh, sorry for waking you up." or a, "Sorry miss, just go back to sleep." But I knew what was coming. 
"I mean you could but, then you would miss being able to go outside." Said the same voice from before.  

"Haha, funny joke, Wall. You know I don't like jokes." I said, slightly annoyed. I hated having jokes. I guess it was because my parents never joked around, so I thought it was a bad thing. 

"Cara, this is no joke, you are really going outside. Would you like me to read the message?" Wall asked as if it started to sound annoyed. 

"Sure." I hoped Wall was telling the truth but you never can tell with the robot walls. But deep down inside I hoped it was right. I hadn't been outside since I was three, and that was before my parents were the second highest in the government. But the more I thought about it the more I realized how Wall, being my only friend, would never do something I didn't like.  If anything Wall would try to please me, never disrespect me. Or maybe it was just it's programming.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been really busy with school. It's nearly over though :D. This I am hoping to get this chapter done in four parts, but I dunno. Anyways bai.

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