The start and the end (Part two)

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(sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm useing my phone for this part)
I waited patiently for Wall to read the message my parents had left for me.

"Sorry Cara it's taking a while due to the events happening outside."

What events? What is happening outside....
"Ah. Here it is! Would you like me to continue?"
"Yes!" I quickly answered, impatient as ever.
"Dear Caracoso, your father and I have decided that it would be best to let you outside again. We want you to come to out work, and see what we do. Now please get dressed and ready as fast as you can, we will not wait for very long.
Message over." Wall finished, the crazy part was always how Wall could sound like anyone, so Wall right then sounded like the voice I had heard all my life. My mother's. I almost cried, it had been so long since I had heard my mother's voice. Her voice even though it was harsh and gravely, it still was the voice of the woman who had taken care of me.
"T...thank you Wall. I'll be getting dressed now."

To be continued...

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