Chapter 71 - Endless Robbery Virtual World Close Combat Mage
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Chapter 71 - Endless Robbery
“Are you there?” Gu Fei asked Fleeting Smile.
“...” was Fleeting Smile’s reply.
“?” Gu Fei answered that with a question mark.
“One doesn’t visit a temple without a cause. What’s your problem this time?” Fleeting Smile asked.
“Sword Aptitude, Spell Aptitude, and Spell Mastery… I found these additional traits on my equipment. What do they do?” Gu Fei asked.
“This…” Fleeting Smile hesitated.
“You can’t say?” Gu Fei asked.
“No, it's not that. I just never expected anyone to encounter these item traits so soon,” Fleeting Smile explained.
“Tell me about them, then,” Gu Fei requested.
“You know that there’s no job-class restriction on the weapons in Parallel World. That essentially means that anyone can equip any equipment,” Fleeting Smile began.
“Mhm,” Gu Fei replied.
“But that’s not entirely accurate,” Fleeting Smile continued, “Traits on low-grade weapons don’t factor much, so we decided not to put those traits on such weapons. But it’s different for higher-grade weapons; they have something called ‘Aptitude’, which decides how eligible players are to unleash the weapons’ full potential. ‘Spell Aptitude’ and ‘Sword Aptitude’ belong to that category.”
“How’s Aptitude calculated?” Gu Fei asked.
“A character’s Aptitude depends on its stat point distribution. Each of the job classes has an innate Aptitude bonus for the different in-game weapons. For example, Mages have higher Spell Aptitude, Thieves have higher Dagger Aptitude, Archers have higher Bow Aptitude, and Warriors have high Aptitude for every weapon except for magic weapons. Of course, each weapon has different Aptitude requirement. In short, if a player’s character lacks the necessary Aptitude for a respective high-grade weapon, it will be impossible to unleash the weapon’s full potential,” Fleeting Smile mentioned a lot of details, so he inquired at the end, “Did you understand all that?”
“I see,” Gu Fei realized something. When he had used Moonlit Nightfalls to attack back then, he could feel that it did not deal the maximum damage possible. Since he had always been using his kung fu to achieve maximum damage, Gu Fei just thought that his lackluster moves resulted into reduced damage. As it turned out, it was the weapon’s Sword Aptitude requirement that had caused it. In this sense, Sword Aptitude and Spell Aptitude were not traits that strengthened him but requirements set for the equipment’s use instead.

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