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"Well, Ms. Dunbrough, you're sick as well."

"Figures. Caring for Edgar all that time, was bound to happen."

"No doubts... Now, about this bite..."

Boston examined the bite as Merida coughed a little and he moved her arm around to get a better look at it.

"No infection, looks like. Did you put something on this?" She nodded. "What did you put on it?"

"Wee bit of an elixir from my home. Why?"

"Well, considering it's a pretty deep and nasty bite, normally it would bed red and swollen even within this short amount of time mostly just due to it being a bite. The shape and depth of the bite indicates a semi-transformation. The canines are deep, but the shape is small..."

"Is that a good thing then?"

"Yes. Let me clean the wound and if you don't mind, whenever you get the chance, I'd like to look into the ingredients of your little elixir and have some on hand in my bag. Although I am a man of medicine now, I believe in having an open mind about different approaches."

"I ken a bit of the ingredients but ye may have to go to an apothecary to get the rest. Are ye sure ye should be using Old World soothers on ye high-class English patients? I dinnae ken they'd much like ye using a remedy from the Highlands; witches and all." she said with a smirk.

"I'll just say something Latin and they'll be all over it, I'm sure." She chuckled a little bit, coughing into her hand. Boston looked at her for a moment. "Are you and Higgs alright? Your son?" Merida shrugged. "Said that you and Higgs were literally fighting on the floor, hence the bite."

"He hit me first." she said with a glare like a child.

"Ms. Dunbrough..."

"I dinnae ken anything anymore. I kenned I did and now... now I fell all I've done is make things worse! There's a secret I'm missing. I dinnae want all his business an he doesnae want to tell me, but I feel tht without it, I willnae ken his hurt. He just... He willnae talk to me anymore. It's like he's lost his trust in me. He just expects that I'll be leaving him and refuses to try and listen when I tell him I'm not."

Boston wrapped the bite wound with a cotton cloth and then pulled back the sheets to check the scratch that Edgar said she had received. This one was infected, red on the outlines of the scratches and a yellow color to the revealed skin.

"You missed this?" he asked with a raise of the eyebrow.

Merida sat up to see what he was talking about and saw the deep scratches in her thigh.

"Oh... dinnae e'en realize it was there..."

"Does it hurt when I press around them?" Boston did as he had said and Merida hissed from the sting. "I'll take that as a yes. Is this your ointment?" he asked, looking at the small bottle next to Merida.

"Help yerself."

Boston cleaned the wound with medical alcohol and wiped it down and then used some of the ointment she had. She hissed in pain, grabbing hold of Boston's sleeve as the herbs did their work.

"Merciful heaves that burns!"

"I do smell a bit of clove in the mixture." He sniffed it again. "A bit of mint?"

"Ye playing apothecary or ye helping me with my burning leg?!" she growled and then coughed.

"Right, sorry..." He blew on her scratches a little and then put some salve on the scratches, wrapping it up. "About Higgs though... My father would know a bit about what might be going on if you want me to ask?"

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now