The tree between the fence

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Luke's PoV

I wait by the back door, staring out the window to the outside. Mum rarely ever let me go outside. I was only allowed outside when she knew no one could see my fluffly tail and squirrel ears. She'd always make me wear a hat, and she'd make me slick my tail with this hair gel stuff before I could even think of opening the door.

Granted, my older brothers, ben and jack, made me a climbing, tree-like structure so I wouldn't always want to go outside, but sometimes I just need to climb a.. real.. tree, y'know? Of course you don't. No one else understands me. My dad thinks I'm stupid, all because sometimes I have a squirrely brain. No joke.

Only my mum and my brothers know about my squirrely-ness. They said that we can't risk telling someone, not even Dad for some reason. I don't get it, what's the risk?


Katherine's PoV

"Pleeeeassee Mummy?" I ask sweetly, curling into her side on the couch. "I just wanna go catch a prrrreeetty birrrdy for you mummy.."

She sighs. "Tuck your tail in the belt loops and wear your beanie?" I grin, knowing she's given in. I lick her cheek in my own way of slight affection and do as I was asked, tucking my tail as a belt and shoving my beanie on.

"Can I go outside now, Mummy? I'll be good, Mummy. Won't tuck out my ears or tail no matter how uncomfy, Mummy. Only go out and play.." I trail off, playing with the frays on my pants. I find it really entertaining, and accidentally zone out when she replied. I look up at her beggingly, and she sighs.

"I said yes Katherine, now go have fun and be good."


Hope you guys enjoy.


Btw, Luke's a squirrel hybrid and Katherine is a kitty hybrid.

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