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❝ Its alright, just wait and see
you're string of lights is still bright to me ❞
LIFE FOR ATHENA SALTZMAN HADN'T ALAWYS BEEN EASY, I mean she was alive yes, but that didn't mean complications never came. Since she was five years old all she could rememebr was the loving care of her father Alaric Saltzman, who had been babying and protecting her all her life, alawys saying that Athena had been the biggest blessing he could ever ask. Now as for her mother she never really got to know her due to the fact that beside being the biggest blessing her father could ask for she also wasn't planned. Yes she was in fact the result of teenange pregnancy between her father and her mother they were in fact highschool sweethearts, her father being the debate club and her mother being apart of the cheerteam.
Her parents were ploral opposties but after years of pinning, secret love notes and after school french tutoring her mother and father were able to find love between one another and went to last a good couple of years that was until after prom her parents decided to do the deed and the deed resulted in her mother expecting her a couple of weeks later. Her mother wanted to give her up for adopt the mintue she was born, not wanting anything to do with her, and from the sounds of it neither did her mother's family who consantly gave her dad hell for getting her mother pregant in the first place and after munch convincing to not only his parents but to her mother's he was able to take full custody of Athena and from that moment on it's been just him and her in the world.
Athena and Alaric. Her father. Her Superman. Her knight in shinning armor. The PB to her J (as corny as it sounds) and nothing could tear them apart. It wasn't easy of course especially when he went to college, not being able to live in a dorm and instead had to switch to a single apartment his parents helping pay for the rent and him taking her to daycare throughout the day while he attended all night classes.