Chapter Two

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I JUST REALIZED THAT I AM BARELY IN TEN CHAPTERS YET I'M ALREADY BLOWING A LOT OF SHIT/IMPORTANT PLOT KEYS(?) UP SJSJSKSKSJSK But, don't worry, I'll make sure that the ending will not disappoint *cue evil laugh*


"If you are not enough for yourself,
you are not enough for someone else,"

Rapi Kaur.


I sat quietly on the ground, slightly smiling to myself at the pleasant feeling of escaping reality and everyone's constant looks to my way. Currently, I sat on the rusted bench of my hideout in the school grounds, well actually I just discovered this place on accident when I ran across someone who looked awfully like my mother and panicked, and somehow, my feet dragged me here, on an isolated part of the school.

I have been in this school since I was only in kindergarten, but that was my first time seeing this place, and by the looks of it, it looks like it was once an outside eating area (judging from the old and mossy brick table and benches), but it was against my knowledge on how and why it was isolated, but I didn't dare tell the committee as I decided this to be my hiding spot, and didn't want them to renovate this place and make it open to the students again, plus it was very secluded and there were no security cameras installed around the place.

My mind wandered to what happened after I comforted the man earlier.

His eyes noticeably landed on my uniform, he asked, "Are you perhaps, enrolled in that school in front of that dense forest?"

Oh, he must be referring to School of Sempiternal Wisdom, in which, yes I am enrolled in, "School of Sempiternal Wisdom? Ah, yes,"

*Sempiternal: endless, eternal, etc.

He let out an unreadable expression, "Pay attention more to what is there to be seen, child. That school has been there for a thousand years, who knows what it used to be, right?"

"W... What are you saying, sir?" I said, aloof.

He stood up, "What I'm saying is, don't go in that forest,"

With that, he left.

Unconsciously, I plucked a flower off a random plant, caressing its petals, "I wonder what happened in that forest that made him tell me not to?"


Startled, I looked at the source of the sound, finding an old rusted metal gate, swinging back and forth slightly, as if it was just moved by someone.

I never noticed that before...

I stood up from my position, cautiously walking towards the metal gate, once I did, I pushed the vines that has covered it, seeing a grassy path beyond it.

"What is that?" I asked to no one in particular, leaning closer to take a better look at the place, only to have someone chuckle behind me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you,"

Turning around, I said, "Who—"

With that, everything turned black.


I sat up, feeling thick layers of sweat adorn my skin. I looked around, seeing as I am in,"... my room? H-how did I even get here?"

I took off the covers from my body, seeing as I am still dressed in my uniform, "Did I fell asleep in my uniform?"

I rubbed my temples, suddenly feeling a headache coming up to me. The memories of yesterday's events is too clear in my brain to be considered a dream. Did... someone bring me here..?

I stood up from the comforting warmth of my bed, roughly pushing the covers that were unusually too organized and properly placed for me to put on myself, almost as if someone put it on me while I was unconscious.

Glancing at the clock, I read 7:18 PM as I walked towards the mirror, looking at my chest.


No countdown.

Why can't I see mine?

I swear I saw mine yesterday, or was it all a dream?

"Oh, we'll meet soon, but not through death, this isn't your time to die yet, we need you for something before that happens. See you around,"

"See you around," He said, why and how will we meet again? Is he warning me?

What does that even mean?


Sorry, it was a bit rushed.

Chapter written on: June 7, 2019

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