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Forcing a narrative... YAY!

Also, I'm not realizing I forgot to mention something in the last chapter, so I'll have to figure out how to include it coming up... yay........

Amelia pulled the three into her room. Then, she went out and searched for Natalya. Before she could go far, she was stopped by Arthur, who had a sullen face.

"You do know that none of what that Atticus fellow said was true, right?" he asked.

"You know what," she said agitated, "We're doing this out here!"

She went to her room and grabbed the three and told them to set up in the sitting area. She went and made a couple bags of popcorn, then grabbed the younger nations and the micronations. She set them up in her room and put on a movie.

"Don't come out till I come for you," she told them.

She then left and sat down in the sitting area, in her designated chair. She sprawled out like a cat before she opened her mouth.

"Iggy just asked me if I believed what Atticus told me," Amelia opened with. "Well, of course I do. After having him in my head telling me stuff for years, I'm going to believe it. Then I have assholes telling me the same thing every time I see them."

The nations were quiet. Then, someone spoke up.

"How did you find out you heal differently when you hurt yourself?" Laura, the personification of Belgium, asked.

"It's not that hard to find out," came the response.

Maria, who had no idea any of this was going on, just stared at her adoptive mother. Matthew and Toris, however, knew about what was going on.

"How long?" Ludwig asked.

"How long what?" Amelia asked, getting frustrated. "'How long I've been listening to Atticus?' Almost as long as he's been picking on me. 'How long have I been hurting myself?' You'll find out. 'How long have I been suicidal?' A long fucking time."

With that she stood up and went to Matthew's room, not wanting to disturb the kids, and slammed the door.

"She also doesn't eat," Atticus brought up, showing up again. "Or she'll throw it up."

Maria stood and went toe to toe with Atticus. "That wasn't for you to say."

"I don't care."

Then he vanished, leaving Maria standing. She turned around and noticed everyone, except a select few, was staring. Everyone stayed quiet for a few moments, but it was broken by a shriek down in Matthew's room. It was an angry shriek, not one of pain or panic.

Amelia stormed out of the room she was holed up in, and stomped up to the group.

"Did Atticus tell them?" she was asking Maria, Matthew, Toris, or Natalya, who all nodded.

"This is why I hate myself," she muttered, but it seemed amplified.

She tried to storm off again, but her wrist was being held by Maria.

"Ina," she was looking down, but then looked into Amelia's eyes. "They deserve to know the truth."

"They deserve nothing," she pulled her arm away and before walking away, she said: "when the younger nations are done with their movie, come get me and we can continue."

Then she walked away. Matthew quickly got up and followed his twin. Before he could catch up, he was shut out of his own room. He knocked lightly and was just told to go away.

Nobody dared to speak. After a while, Peter popped his head out of Amelia's room. He approached the silent nations.

"The movie is over," he stated, "what are we doing now?"

"Uh," even the stoic Berwald was at a loss.

"I'll go get her," Toris said, being brave enough to approach the door.

He knocked on the door and it was silent, so he just went in. Amelia was on Matthews bed, asleep. She had headphones in and was curled in a ball. She was facing the door, so Toris could see tear tracks on her face.

He crossed the room and lightly sat down next to her, before shaking her lightly. Of course, after all the trauma she had to relive, she threw a punch at Toris. He clutched his nose as it started to bleed. Amelia was up with a start and noticed what she did.

Of course, she was in shock for a moment. She grabbed some tissues that were next to the bed and gave them to Toris, who took them gratefully.

"I'm such an idiot," she muttered, before apologizing. "I'm sorry."

"You're not an idiot," Toris said nasally.

"Yes I am, I hurt you."

"I'm the one that startled you."

Amelia stopped arguing, knowing there was no winning with Toris.

"So, did the kids finished watching their movie?" she asked him.

"Yeah," Toris responded. "Peter came out and told us that the movie was over."

Amelia chuckled lightly at that, "I told them to stay in there until I came in to tell them that everything was okay."

Toris chuckled at that before turning serious, "are you sure you want to continue right now?"

"The only other option is letting them mull over what they heard more, and I really don't want to do that."

With that, the two nations stood up and was about to leave the room when Amelia stopped just before the door for a second.

"I'm going to go change into something different," Amelia said, heading out of the room, "I'm tired of wearing black."

She quickly heaved to her room and kicked the remaining nations out. Toris headed back to the group and told them she would be a couple of minutes.

After more than a couple of minutes, Amelia strutted out. First of all, she was wearing a pair of blue Nike basketball shoes. Then, she had on a pair of tight black and yellow Nike running shorts. Finally, she had on a purple Nike Classic sports bra.

"So, who wants to invade my privacy?!" She was way to energetic for someone who had to do this.

Nobody answered, but Amelia still walked past everyone and through the door.

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