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Tays pov
When I woke up I saw everyone else was still asleep. I woke them all up and went up stairs to take a shower. I got out and dried off and saw Sofia was in the room starring at me in a naughty way and I kissed her on the lips and got changed. When I put my black pants on I felt a sting in my arm. I had a tattoo it was a dragon to represent strength and hope. I got changed in my tie dye cut off tank top. I ran down stairs and everyone was already heading out the door so I got all the bags and put them in the limo. It took a bout 30 minutes to get to the airport. We got out and security had to take us to our flight. We all were on the same plane and sat in rows. I sat in between Sofia and Mackenzie. The plane took us to Miami, Florida and the flight was about 5 hours to get from Cali to Florida.
We got off the plane at 8:34. When we landed we left out side to get in the limo to take us to our hotel. The four girls share a room I share with Shawn carter cam Aaron and Matt. The others share a room together. The hotel rooms were very big like sweets. Magcon was at lunch tomorrow. We all went in the girls room and ordered room service. We started playing Magcon truth or dare.
Makenzie pov
I'll go first. I said and started playing.
Mei truth or dare.
'I say dare' as Mei answered
I dare you to lap dance on three boys including you one and only Aaron.
Ok,I'll lap dance on,Aaron,Matt,shawn,and Johnson.
Mei's pov
As I lap dance on Johnson he got a little boner, I bet it will happen to all the boys. I start to lap dance on shawn,got a boner,and he blushes. Then got to Matt ,boner, and he holds my waist. Aaron's turn I go harder on him than anyone else I felt something rise and start laughing and yell Aaron. Ok. Aaron truth or dare.
Ok I dare to to make out with me. I said
Ok that's easy. He said
I'm not finished. I said
Uhh. He said
You have to make out with me, and then go out side yell I have a boner and go up to a women and whisper in her ear 'I have a b0nner. I said
He started to blush' ok'
We kiss than runs out. We can hear him yell and start crying in laughter. He comes back.
Aaron's pov
Ok that was embarrassing but here we go. Matt truth or dare. I said
Truth. Matt said
Is it true you were rejected by a cheer leader in high school. I said.
Uhh yes. He said while turning red and looking down.
'Who wants Ice cream !'
We all yelled 'me' and raced down the stairs and in to the limo. We all went to a parlor and got a cone we all got the same exept Matt he had sherbet, and we got turtleneck with extra care less and waffle cone in it. We sat there eating and we go to a liquor store and got some beer. We head back and drink a little and fall asleep in the same room. We had to wake up at 10:00 to get ready and head out by 12:30.
Sofia pov
I wake up and I wake up the others and we go get doughnuts from Dow stairs. We get in the showers and get ready.
Hayes Pov
Me and Mackenzie were cuddling for a little and then get dressed after the shower. I wear a Magcon jacket and give her my Hayes Grier shirt and she wears high waisted shorts and puts her hair in a messy bun. We head down and get in the limo. It took and hour to get to the venue. We head in to the venue and stand backstage for a little and then mahogany plays a little music for like an hour than the jacks perform all there dong then we do a littl skit and Tay,Hayes,and Aaron introduced me Mei and Sofia as there girlfriends. Day one of magcon was done. Then I saw a familiar face and it was makenzies sister I ran from the stage and hug her she didn't know who it was for a second and then hugged me back. I bring her back stage and call carter. Carter asks If she wanted to go out and why she was here. She said she wanted to she him and makenzie. We all headed back to the hotel and Jessica was hanging out and she had her room to go to after but luckily her room was close. We ate around 9:00 and had some Panda Express. We went to sleep because we had a long day of magcon.
Jack g pov
We wake up for the last day of magcon and shower and we all wear a magcon shirt and Jessica's heads to magcon because she bought another ticket and we gave her a special pass to the backstage. We eat and head over to magcon. We do the same thing we did last night but a little long to tell them where the next magcon was and headed to dinner at Waffle House and Jessica was with us on the way home Jessica was sitting on Carter's lap sleeping. We all screamed and woke her up and cried tears of joy. We got to the hotel and packed up and left the hotel to the airport. We boarded the plane to California. We landed at 6:00am and headed to the limo and back to makenzies house. We got there and fell asleep in our own rooms.
Aaron pov
Mei and I headed to my room and fell asleep. We woke up and everyone wasn't here the left a note on the fridge and said we were at the pool in side and it was 2:30 pm,I woke up Mei and we got dressed and headed to the elevator. She hit the button that said 'pool'. We go there and everyone was in the pool we jumped in and started playing Marco Polo. Then I saw someone drowning and it was....
Find out who it was in the next chapter.

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