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I was falling in love


Sam woke up to an arm wrapped around her waist

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Sam woke up to an arm wrapped around her waist. Still groggy from sleep, she didn't realize that said arm belonged to a certain blonde woman, who she was starting to really crush on, so she turned to the other side and hugged her close to her before falling asleep again.
Carol woke up to the sudden shift in the bed and the beautiful woman hugging her. Sam's head rested just under Carol's chin, their bodies fit perfectly together and Carol could only smile to the sight and warm she was feeling. The woman looked so peaceful in her sleep that Carol almost felt sorry to have to wake her up but she really needed to go to the bathroom.

"Sam." She whispered in her ear trying to wake her up, but the blonde just moved further into her neck, making a sound, not wanting to be disturbed.

Carol chuckled to how cute Sam was and tried again.

"Sam, sweetie, you need to wake up."

"Why?" She whined in her neck, her breathing brushing Carol's skin, making her shudder in a positive way.

"Because I need to go to the bathroom, love and you're kinda preventing me to do so by how tightly you're holding me. Not that I mind it, I'm actually liking this position." She teased and gently shook her awake.

Sam grumbled and slowly opened her eyes, only to be greeted by the sight of Carol's breasts facing her. She blushed furiously and let out a yelp, before turning the other side and covering her face with the blankets.

Carol laughed out loud and thanked her, making her way to the bathroom.
Sam cursed herself for being so stupid. Was it so hard to not blush every five seconds to everything that woman did? Sam didn't know what she was doing. She felt something for Carol, something she hasn't felt in a long time, probably never had. But she liked it. She liked her. She wanted to be back in her hold, she has never felt that comfortable in her life. She liked the feeling of her arms around her, she felt safe and a warm feeling would form in her stomach. Carol was beautiful, strong, brave, reckless, perfect. She was a fool to think that she would ever like her back. Who could she be to her? She was a no one. She couldn't fly or shoot fire from her fists. She was human, weak, a burden.
All those thoughts were pushed aside when she felt a hand tapping her head above the blankets.

"C'mon, sleepyhead! Time to wake up! We gotta help the Skrulls modify our vehicle." She didn't hear Carol getting out of the bathroom.

"Five more minutes" Sam whined but Carol wasn't hearing any of it.

Sam closed her eyes again, trying to not think of the fact that she was not enough for Carol. She almost fell asleep again but was awaked by Carol pulling the blankets off of her and pulling her up over her shoulder. Sam squealed in fright by the sudden move and hang for dear life to Carol.

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