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We haven't spoke in weeks. what are friends? what are boyfriends and girlfriends? who are people and why are we here? Questions upon questions.

Friends are people you're either you have every thing in common with or are completely different or just enjoy hanging out or talking with them. Friends are the ones who are quote on quote there for you. But what really is the definition of friend. Yes you could easily look it up online or in a dictionary but what's you're definition of friend? There's so many different meaning that I don't even know what a friend is anymore. Friends people exchange things with clothes, ideas, answers, stories, on and on but once you mess up or say something you regret it, you are no longer friends or will never have the same bond again you once had. Why is this? People now back stab, talk behind each other, and who knows what else. I will say I have done this before but have apologized for it. It makes you realize who is truly who they are. Some people, that's who they are, and we can either try to help them or just leave them alone because that's who they are and its not our right to change them. Friends the ones you're suppose to keep forever, spend moments with, travel, go on adventures with and crush on people with together and last but not least get each other's opinions.

Boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers those who are the people who should always be there for you no matter what. They are the ones that know you'll be there just as much. Boyfriends are the ones you spend time crushing on before you finally talk to him or he makes a move. Boyfriends are the ones you do cute things together with share moments with and go on adventures together. Boyfriends and girlfriends are those who are closer friends and the ones that will cuddle you when you sad or upset, the ones that will massage your back if it hurts, the one that will give you there honest opinion if they are real and honest. Now everyone's real sometimes people say things to make others feel good and I'm not going to lie we all like it. Sometimes people have to lie or be fake so they won't hurt you but that's never good in the long run. But then again I've never had that. Someone who looks at me and is someone I can call my boyfriend so what do I know?

To my bestfriend.

I cant even begin to imagine what life would be like without friends. Even thinking about the topic begins to bring me to tears. Friends are those who understand what's going on or if they dont they are there to listen. It is important to know who your friends are and who arent. But on this note its all about this. Relationships you share with people. Someone very wise once said there is nothing i want in life that isnt worth sharing with friends. Every since i heard him say that its almost become something i go by. There is nothing i would want to earn or recieve or purchase that i wouldnt be able to share with anyone. For example playing hockey is a very difficult thing to do. Winning a game or tournament or championship is nothing if you cant share it with the team,family,friends,fans and coaching staff and club. And that goes for anything. Winning an award, a new car , anything! Friends are those who share theirs with yours and you do the same, the wealth should be spread among all.

Looking in the past i realize my personal self has destroy friendships while i have also let some get away. My bestfriend moved away in the fourth grade and when i was in grade 8 my new best friend moved across the country. Its sad to say it but i let those relationships fall as distance has come betweens us.

I feel bad for even calling you my bestfriend because you are absolutely more than that to me. You are my sister. The one i never had. The person who understands my pains and is there to help me through them. Understands what im talking about even if its in my language. The one who complaiments me even when i look ugly. Brings up your day when your down. Turns that frown into a smile just from talking to them. Someone who can stay on the phone and never get bored or say anything for hours and still stay on the line. The friend you make time in your busy day to still communicate even if its for two minutes. Someone who is there for all your achievemnets and goals. They may not be there in person but they are there on the other line. Them being there is what matters, no matter in what way. They tell the truth even if hurts. They cry with you, scream with you, and laugh with you for hours if thats what it takes. They are someone who will never leave. Someone who after a fight always come back one way or another. Someone you cant go a few days without. Someone who completes you even if they are across the world. They are there. They will be there. They will give you anything and do anything for you. They will do all of this for you because you will do it in return. If you don't then you arent sisters. Your friends. Every street is two ways its up to us to choose if we go down it or if we back away. But from past experience ive learned to never back away again because you always lose. Take the chance believe and go down the road. If they are worth it, you will go down the road. Its a matter if your worth it. Remember if they are worth it then you are worth it because you complete them and they complete you. That's what a sister is and id take any chance i could to go back down that road and make the choice the first time. Be that sister. If this is that person to you then don't let the distance break you, keeping going and don't give up. I'm glad I did only because it made me realize how much the distance hurts but I'm not going to let miles come between us again. So now you don't have to get hurt not trying. I've done it for you now all you have to do is pickup the phone and call them.

What's a friend to you? Have a good day!

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