Humans are ment to act like humans

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I'm back on the elevator after a hour or so of debating if I should go up there and when, but I told her I would help her tonight so I made my way.

I'm standing in front of 402 I hear faint radio talk inside. It's sounds muffled but has a slight echo, sounds empty inside. I knocked on the door lightly felt like someone was watching me or just nervous not to sure. I took a step back and watch the door handle turn. I took a gulp of air and anxiously had my eyes wide open in excitement to lay eyes on her again.

I scroll my eyes downward it was bright inside white reflecting everything,

"Miss Miller"

"Veronica," I replied nervously

"My name is Elizabeth"

"Come in Elizabeth I am delighted you came up could use your help in the kitchen."

She said calmly much more calm then I thought I was and I don't know why I think it's her beauty its in powering. She standing tall in 6 inch heels black now a sleek black dress looked like a soft leather its clung to her perfectly, much more of her breasts were showing now. She can't be very tall with those heels on, I feel under dressed and much more insecure then this women. I'm wearing leggings and a cute light pink baggy wool sweater it's all fake whatever it's comfortable and my ass looks great!

So I make my way in and her rooms are empty very small decorations on the counter and table in the living room, everything is nice and low it all is very expensive I am sure. All of her counters and tables had these metal hooks on them, it made me curious but I didn't say anything out loud

"I need cupboard shelves put in." Veronica finally broke the silence

I looked at her softly,

"That's a very easy task I can do that for you, I could show you how" i imputed

"Why do I need to know" she smiled and grabbed my hand,

"I knew you could do it" she says with a half of laugh.

It felt like a test. Like if I was ignorant or not.

"Did they come with parts?" I asked

She pointed to a tall black shelf in the kitchen everything I needed was there. All looked brand new.

" So what do you do?" I asked to this time be the one to break the silence"

"Manufacturing production" she crosses her arms and she adjust to that broad dominating position, again!

It's hot I can't lie but she lets you know just in her body language whos running the show.

I gather everything I need and start with all the lower shelves and she leaves to let me do my duty. I quickly get almost a dozen in and she comes back out and just watches me. I start lifting the shelve pieces and lay them all in. I look up at her and ask if she would like for to clean them for her.

She slightly shook her head and said no "I have people who clean for me"

"Ok well I'm almost done, do you have s step stool so I can reach the top parts?"

"Yes it's in the laundry room I'll be right back"

I smiled at her as she turned from me.

My stomach sank when she smiled back. It was a bright smile, so stunning she really is one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on. and she smiled at me!

She comes back with the perfect size ladder i needed, I finish quickly in hopes of more conversation with her.

"Do you need help with anything else?"

She sits down in the living room with two glasses filled with dark red wine.

"I could use your company for some time if you have time this evening."

She says very smoothly, I see her bite her lip and I don't want to let myself get the wrong idea, what if he just does that, and she's not hot about the idea of me.

"I have some time" I washed my hands in the stainless steel sink everything was so fancy and shiny. I walk to her and sit down.

"Wonderful news, are you single" she asked

"Yes, I'm a complicated person" I replied rather fast

She hands me the wine and we both sip the glass, it's so fruity my mouth waters.

"Did it make you wet" she says with a smile

I looked confused in sure,

"I'm sorry?"

"The wine it's known to have a great affect on your tastebuds, one of the greatest senses you have, taste."

"Yes, actually that's the first thing I noticed it made my mouth water"

I think to myself how she does the same thing to me, makes my mouth water. "Are you single Veronica?"

"Yes I am very reserved, to much to explore before I settle into a life long commitment."

"I know how you feel," I just blurt it out like it was nothing, I giggle. The wine is starting to hit me.

"Do you need some more wine for your hard work Elizabeth" I like the way she says my name I want her to reach out and touch me.

"I'm sure this has been enough"

"You seem more relaxed now?"

"Yes you make me nervous,"

"Nervous! Why!" She almost yells but she reaches down and touches me.

" your a really beautiful women Veronica, but I am sure you know this."

"Sadly I don't ever hear it." She looks disappointed I reached out and grabbed her hand look right at her with no insecurity left in me, I knew she knew how I feel.

" You are so gorgeous, and I mean it, one of the most sexiest women I have ever laid eyes on."

She grabs my hand in a stronger grip and I feel her pulse, I think she may want me as well...

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