Seven demigods, a van, skittles and ADHD

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(Leo) because he's Legendary

Leo Valdez sat at the very back seat of a very over crowded car. His ADHD was not doing him any good especially after he had been eaten those Skittles back before they set off. He felt like running around and setting everyone on fire. He felt like building something. His eyes zoom around in desperation for something to do.

"Leo, we are almost there. Hold in." Piper laughs. She was squished in beside Leo. " Remind me never to give you skittles, ever. "

" I'm fine. I can hold in. I can last a few more minutes before I blow," He assures, " I hope "

Leo was sitting beside Jason and Piper at the back seat, squished between lots and lots of bags that felt so heavy, he believed they were loaded with bricks. Maybe Jason over packed.

" okay, let's go over everything." Annabeth shouts out from the front of the bus. Her voice was loud enough for them to hear. " We are on our way to Paris-"

"Paris! Paris, France?!" Piper exclaims excitedly for like the 10th time that day which was how many times Annabeth had gone over the mission. Only that day.

" Nope, Paris, Troy." The son of Hephaestus mumbles earning a glare from Piper.

" Anyway, strange things have been reported from France, giant babies, werewolf men, icecream monsters and other weirdness. We have been informed that it is all not accidents. There is someone causing these. That person is dangerous. We have to find him or her and stop them."

"That person is a creep." Leo concludes.

" Not creepier than you, Valdez." Frank smiles at himself From the middle row.

Luckily, Like o didn't here that or else that song would change from London is burning to Frank Zhang is Burning.

" We are staying in a hotel ordered by our parents. Other arrangements would be communicated there." Percy adds. He looked pleased that he remembered that.

" Oh look, we are entering the city!" Hazel points out.
Leo looks out the window. There were buildings, a park, a school...

" Hey guys, are we going to be going to school here? I heard Annabeth say something about that earlier this morning." He asks Jason and Piper.

" Yes, and if you were paying attention, you'd know that the school is called Francois DuPont. We are going to be going there." Jason says. " At least while we are on this quest."

Leo groans. Why school????

" I just realized something, isn't this dangerous?" He asks loud enough for everyone to hear.

" Why do you say that?" Hazel asks.

" I mean, seven demigods in a van filled with magical supplies." He notices, " And I haven't heard any explosions yet so this means that a big one is coming. We always attract trouble but nothing has happened. No monster, no crazy potty women, no really hot ice princesses, it's weird. Where's the explosion?!"

There was a crash. The bus smashed to pieces as something huge crashed into it from above.

" There it is."

The seven rise hurriedly and draw their weapoms. They get intro battle stance. Now where was the monster?

Apart from the smashed bus pieces on the ground, there was nothing else unusual. That was until they saw the flying cat.

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[DISCONT]The Heroes of Paris ~ Miraculous Ladybug X Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now