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(A/N This might seem a bit long and boring to some of you, but I promise it'll be worth it.)

It was the final match of the season, Gryffindor against Slytherin.

The two captains, our very own Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were under a lot of pressure, what with this being their final year in the school, they just had to win ! Everyone was super-excited about this match.

Rumours were going around that Dumbledore had added a few surprises to the match this year that Professor McGonagall had....not entirely approved of....which meant that the students were bursting with excitement to know what it was.

There were all sorts of ridiculous rumours and speculations going around.

Some said that the audience were going to fly around in enchanted seats so that they can watch the players at close quarters without getting in the way.

Others said that this would go against every rule in the games.

Yet others said that they had heard something Dumbledore said about a 'more Muggle approach' and were making dire predictions such as brooms won't be allowed, or the balls would be changed, or, most horrifically, the red card was going to be introduced in the game.

Most of the students were going crazy trying to figure out what exactly was planned, except for a few others who just stayed calm, knowing they will find out, all in good time.

Finally, the day of the match dawned. The players trudged to the Great Hall for their pre-match dose of breakfast and cheers. Harry forced down a couple of sausages despite his slightly fluttering stomach. He never got nervous before matches nowadays, but well, this was an important match, against Slytherin...

His head turned to the Slytherin table where the players were surrounded by admirers. He couldn't see Malfoy's face anywhere. Harry sighed and drooped his head as he recalled their last meeting.

He had finally had mustered up his courage to admit his feelings for.... Draco, and had sent him a letter, requesting to meet in a secluded spot.

When Draco had come, Harry, with knees knocking and a slight stutter to his words, had expressed his feeling towards the blonde boy. Harry had been scared as to how he might react.

After all, Draco was the first person he had told about his crush on him. Only Ron, Hermione and Ginny knew he was bisexual, but they still didn't know of his crush on the blonde Slytherin.

Harry need not have worried. Draco had stood patiently as Harry finished his stuttering speech and then, without a word, silver eyes shining brightly, had pulled him in for a kiss.

Harry had been a bit taken aback, but had soon relaxed into the feeling of Draco's lips on his. They moved together in sync, Harry's hand coming up to grip Draco's waist and pull him closer as he slipped his tongue between his soft, pink lips. Draco had clutched at his shoulders and his breath had tickled Harry's face as the kiss deepened.

When they finally pulled apart, Harry had been expecting to find Draco smiling at him, but instead, Draco looked wretched.

With an almost unnoticeable sob, he told Harry that they could never, ever  be accepted together, and no matter how Harry tried to persuade him that it would be alright, he didn't want to be with him.

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