Print-outs (pt.1)

117 3 3

In which Draco discovers a Muggle wonder.


"So, you're saying that if I click this button, this entire information can be put onto paper so that I won't have to hurt my eyes staring at that stupid screen of light ?"

"Uh, yes. Also, it's called a monitor."

"What ? I thought you called it a composer or something ?"

"Yeah, the whole thingummy is called a com-pu-ter. Just the 'screen of light' is called a monitor."

There was silence as Harry waited for Draco's next question. The whole day had been spent in the same way, Draco asking questions and Harry giving as satisfactory answers as he could. Though, really, he shouldn't complain. He was the one who'd decided to teach Draco about muggle technology and so, had dragged an unwilling Malfoy into the nearest cyber cafe to introduce him to computers, which he had soon latched on to (though, of course, he would never accept that he actually liked a muggle device).

Draco seemed to ponder over this new piece of information as well before asking,

"So you mean I can put anything I access on the computer onto paper by clicking that button ?"

"Yes, basically."

"Any-thing ?"


Harry had long since learned that patience was the best policy when explaining anything to Draco, who was very intelligent, hated not knowing anything, and was always ready to launch into a hissy fit at a moment's notice whenever he was being explained something.


Draco seemed to think for a while. Harry considered risking a glance at his watch, but decided against it as Draco would most certainly catch him looking and demand to know whether Harry was bored of him and finally, after a long argument in which Harry desperately tried to explain that he was not bored (and a hissy fit) Draco would end up storming out of the cafe amidst a crowd of staring muggles while Harry would have to apologize to everyone and make his own dinner or get take-out from that Chinese place that always put too much spice in the food.

Harry didn't look at his watch.

Meanwhile, Draco came up with another question.

"What about those moving pictures ?"

"You mean videos ?"

"Yes, yes ! Moving pictures !" Draco snapped. "It's the same bloody thing !"

"Alright, alright." Harry raised his hands in a placating gesture. "No need to get worked up. And no, it can only put non-moving stuff, like pictures and documents on paper. Muggle paper doesn't move, remember ?"

Draco thought again for some time.

"Okay, let's go."

Harry could believe his ears.

"Are you sure ? There isn't anything else you want to see ? No more doubts ?" Harry asked as Draco stood up from the computer. He never wanted to come here again. One day spent amongst technology with the blonde was quite enough for him.

"No, it's alright. I remember everything. How to open the Net, how to access the documents, pictures and videos, how to handle muggle money- "

"Shh !" Harry cut him off, glancing around them nervously. Thankfully, there was no one around. He let out a sigh.

"You can't go around saying 'muggle' in front of muggles, Draco."

"Why not ?" Draco raised one perfectly arched, haughty eyebrow. "Muggles don't know what 'muggle' means."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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