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Tom's P.O.V

I tilted my head to the right to see what was in front of me. When I saw it was that same tall freckled ginger who I keep bumping into almost everyday. He was sitting on the side so I just greeted him with a smile and a nod before passing by. Huffing in relief as I hold onto the blocks of woods Mr. Chuy helped me chop earlier.

Good thing I didn't trip over someth--


before I knew it... I was facepalmed onto the dirt. Embarrassed, I quickly sat up and glared at the thing that tripped me. I was glaring at a damn rock.

"Fuck," I spat as I start to gather all the wood back in my arms. Murmuring profanities under my breath until Tamara knelt down and helped me with the wood. We stayed quiet for a moment as we gathered the wood one by one...

"So... How did... Pfftt-- the dirt tasted like?" She teases as she was obviously trying her best to hold her laughter in. I faked laughed at her as I stood up and snatched the wood from her and just started walking to our house. She followed behind me laughing her guts out like an idiot, "Come on! You gotta admit, it was funny bro! It's like you tripped on air!" She laughs again. I just looked at her while scowling. Just watching her wipe a tear from her eye while her laughter was slowly dying off. I just smiled. She is just so adorable. My little sister.

I sighed in defeat, "I just can't bring myself to beat the shit out of you just so you know," I said before walking inside our house.

We live in this small town we call "Nonmembers" that is always raided by the King's men. Taking all our crops and destroying them. But we always try to search ways to hide our crops... whether it be growing our crops inside our houses or just by picking the yet edible food before them. We often fail though... As our doors are always broken open by them. We hated them and the people they are taking orders from. The Royals.

So fucking selfish just like their own 'main' people.

"Didn't Mom always tell you that cursing is bad? Mr. Chuy told me," Tamara said angrily, putting her hands on her hips as if like a Mom herself. I smirked as I throw the wood on the floor and walked to her. Patting her head while grinning, "Mom isn't here now, is she?" I said. She gasped and slapped my arm which made me grunt in pain, "You know you got heavy hands.. Why'd you have to throw it on me?" I hissed as I held on to my arm to somehow ease the pain by massaging it gently. Tamara scoffed, "Mom will be back! I know she will!" she defended as she crosses her arms.

"Oh yeah? When?" I asked as I turned to pick up the wood and examine them.

Our Mom left us when our town experienced the first raid. It was when the King heard that a handful of people who couldn't afford the food in the flea market decided that they could just grow some of their own and so the King ordered his men to raid us. She went to live in the main village on her own because she didn't want to be involved with the poor any longer. I was still a toddler at that time and Tamara was still just an infant so the only one who was raising us was Dad who... not long after also left us and only left us with a lot of seeds to plant and some of the books he has wrote. We didn't know where he went though...

But he still sends us his books.. It would always appear in front of our house and it's always signed by him so we knew he was still out there..

We still never spoke about him and none of us brought the topic up.

I understand why Tamara was still hoping for Mom to come home since she doesn't remember why she truly left us. I never told her the truth because I didn't want to kill a part of her will of hope.

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