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Third Person P.O.V

Tamara stared down onto the book she was reading. Ever since her bother was taken, the books their supposedly "father" sent them were more on about the New King and his new set of castle rules. Of course, She found them very interesting since it wasn't all about the Old Evil King anymore. Although she did notice how similar the New King is to the Old one.. there's just a few changes. But what captured her eyes was how her father wrote about the rules those people who work for the New King has to follow.

Tamara hummed as she read the line "Never to take off the Leather," as the breeze hit her face very gently.

She was sitting outside her brother's farm, like what she always do when she reads the books. She was aware of how her brother reacts to the books and she knows he isn't very fond of them as much as herself and she respected that. Tamara knows Tom still has hard feelings for their father and Tamara felt the same.. But knowing that their father still sends them books to tell them about the world outside of their town. Gives her the thought that he still cares.

Tamara looks up to the crops and they looked really tasty but not yet edible, "Looks ready but not really...?" She mumbled to herself.

Soon she thought of a new story to tell the town kids. Then suddenly she thought about how her brother reacts to her stories. He wasn't that very happy about her storytelling's. Tom simply thought it was just not interesting since her stories are mostly about the King's life and such. Tamara would always tell him that she was just reliving what their father's books are all about but making it less boring.

That thought made Tamara giggle softly as she felt like crying again, "You're stupid bro. How dare you leave your little sister here all alone?" she mumbled, Tamara misses Tom so much that she cried  herself to sleep yesterday night. But she knew he'll be back since she trusts Tom so much.

"How are you out there? Are they treating you right?..."

Then suddenly she heard the bushes rustle, she bolted up from where she sat and looked around. It's too early for the King's Men to steal! The crops aren't even edible yet! She thought to herself as she panics. It was always her brother that would take care of the crops since she was "still young" to do so. Her heart was beating fast because she didn't know what to do... Should she start picking out the crops when they are even fully grown yet? Or should she just run and hide under the table and wait for them to go away.

Still panicking in her head, Tamara didn't even notice the person standing right across her, outside their broken wooden fences. The person was just looking at Tamara with a grin while she was whipping her head side to side. "Hey, aren't you gonna calm down a bit?" a voice suddenly spoke which made Tamara jolt up in surprise. She desperately searched for the source of the voice before her eyes landed on the familiar figure standing across her.

Tamara narrowed her eyes at the person, "What.. Who are you? What do you want?" she shouted at the person with a glare. The person only cock her eyebrow while still wearing a grin. The person had a hood on so it was a bit hard to make out her face. Tamara grabbed her book and used it as some kind of weapon as she pointed at the person, "This book is very thick and if you're planning to take the crops my brother planted I will hit you so hard with it!" Tamara shouted.

That only made the person let out an amused chuckle, "Quite brave aren't we?" the person commented as they slid off their hood. Tamara tilted her head as she pointed at the person, "Aren't you that girl yesterday?.. The one that suddenly disappeared?" she asked the mysterious looking girl. The girl or really... The teen smiled as she bowed to Tamara, "I'm quite honored that you still remember me~," she cooed in a flirty tone... but Tamara was unable to catch it.

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