The day

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As always she woke up and put her uniform on and her hair was down with a pink bow in the back. Before she left the house she texted Brick to meet her at the park ASAP. When she got to the park her heart dropped she saw Brick sitting on one of the benches. She walks up to the bench and says "I have an answer." "I wanna give you a chance, it's a yes and I want you to tell me anything even if it gets me angry." Brick suddenly stands up and hugs her. He lets go and sits back down. "We shound head to school now-." "WAIT here." She gave him the motorcycle helmet. "Yours seemed to be getting old so here," she said shyly. "I love it Bloss, thank you,"he smiled. They held hands and walked to school.

"Your both late," said their homeroom teacher. "Sorry," they both said. Everyone was whispering things and their little theories. After class ends Brick and Blossom are the first one's to leave the classroom. Everyone looks to see them holding hands and smiling. "Damn, once Chloe finds out Blossom's deceased," said the Teacher. "Definitely," all the students said.

"Bye Brick see you during lunch," Blossom said. Brick waved goodbye and went to class."Hey Bubbles," "hey Blossom so what happened." Blossom told Bubbles everything that happened this morning. "Aww that's so cute, oh my god imagine you guys get married and then have kids their gonna be sooo cute!" Blossom looked confused and said "ok lets not get ahead of ourselves."

"AHHHH," screamed Chloe. "Their dating, I thought that girl confirmed that they weren't dating?!" One girl tried to her clam her doen but Chloe declined.

*gym class*
"Come on girls," yelled the gym teacher. Chloe ran behind Blossom and attempted to trip but inatead fell stomach first. "Oh my gosh are you ok?" One of the guys said. "Get away from me!" Chloe tried so hard for Blossom to get hurt but failed. In the locker room while Blossom went to use one of the stalls she saw her phone and texted "Brick I think we should break up," with a wink emoji and a heart. "And sent." She walked away like it was nothing.

"Bloss why did you text me that you wanted to break up?" Blossom lookdd uterly confused and said "i didn't send you any of that stuff." Brick took out his phone and showed her the message. "I didn't send you that," she said. Brick then looked over where Chloe was sitting and saw the whole table looking at him and Blossom. "What's wrong," she asked. "I'll be right back stay here." He walked over to the table looking angry with his eyes glowing reder than before. He slammed his hand on the table and said "what did you do Chloe?" "I didn't do anything why would you say that?" Brick showed her the message "why would i waste my time and do that, in fact how would I be able to such a thing." "Fucking liar," said Brick. He walked off then one of the girls said " Chlo maybe we should stop he looked so angry and his eyes were glowing red." "No that bitch deserves this she took away what was mine," she said. "But he was-." "Shush did I tell you to say something?" "No, I-." "Then just shut your mouth." "Were gonna do something that will definitely brake her," she said maliciously.

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