The memories

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She pulled up to a cemetery and covered Brick's eyes. "Ready one...two...three open!" And there he saw his mother's grave, his red eyes filled with tears all Brick could remember was him just standing there watching people burying his mother. He finally was on his knees and said "come back," he mumbled. Blossom was gonna leave him alone but then Brick gently grabbed her hand and said "please stay I dont wanna be alone." She nodded and got on her knees. He wiped his tears off and said " every time I was in a bad mood she would make me soft cookies and milk, she was that mother who never hurt me." He talked and talked about his mother and all the good times had with her. Finally Brick felt comfortable to be alone so Blossom left him. "Hey mom so that girl who was right next to me thats my girlfriend... and umm she's really important to me you would've liked her she's sassy the light to my darkness." "Boomer and Butch are alright I guess their happy and we got a new house with Bloss and her 2 sisters because their lives are a lot like ours," for an hour he told his mother about all the things that have happened these past few months. He got up and said "goodbye mom love you see you soon." He caught up with Blossom they decided to go to the motorcycle shop. Blossom saw the same guy from when she bought the helmet. He looked surprised when he saw Blossom holding Brick's hand. "So which one do I get?" She asked. "Well you need a beginner motorcycle," "no I can handle the pro." She said confidently. Brick looked shock and confused "are you sure," "yup." So they went to the testing area he showed Blossom what to do and how to ride it. She started the engine and surprisingly she did very well. "See told you I could do it," she smiled. "Damn," Brick said. They took the pink motorcycle to the cash register. Both Brick and Blossom drove home to find Butch and Buttercup making out on the couch. So they tip toed upstairs to their room. Blossom decided to go to the bathroom for a shower, while taking a shower Brick took off his shirt because it was too hot. After taking a shower she put on some pjs and started brushing her long hair. Brick went behind her and put his arms around her waist. "Thank you Bloss," she turned around to face Brick and said "your welcome." She kissed him passionately. "I love you Bloss," he said. "I love you too."

So as you can tell they did do it. But I just didn't want to put it into detail cause thats just too uncomfortable and I'm too lazy bye

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