- Part 1

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Mae's p.o.v
I'm in the train on my way to the airport. I can't believe it I finally left I left everything! Oh my God yes yes! I did it! I want to scream so badly but it isn't a good choose to scream in a train.
You're maybe wondering why I'm on my way to the airport? Well let me introduce myself first.

I'm Mae McBrooke I'm 17 years old and my birthday is coming up, my birthday is on the 1st of August. I'm pretty small, to be precise 5.5 long. I have brown hair with some hilights. My hair is medium length and a bit wavy.  I live in London with my family.

I have a older sister who's named Lexy. She is the sweetest you probably know how most sisters don't get along with each other. Well we're the opposite, we are best friend but it just happend that we're blood related. Lexy is 20 years old and her birthday is on January 2nd. She's 5.4 long, also pretty small. She has blond hair with brown accents.

Then not to forget my parents. I still do have both of my parents, my mom (Krista) is 47 and my dad (jeff) 49. Well i think that's enough about my parents i don't wanna think about them often.

I also have a best friend called Hazel, she's is so lovely she's always there when i need here. She's 5.6 tall and super pretty. She has dirty blond hair and it was more on the wavy side. She lives in the same town as me. What a Surprise!

Of course I do have more friends but they are not really important for now.

Let's start at the beginning
1 year ago...
I laid there crying in my pillow my sister, Lexy a.k.a. My sister and Best friend just moved in with her boyfriend, I'm happy for her but I'm gonna miss her and now I'm all alone with my parents.
I was still crying because my sister left when i suddenly heard footsteps coming up the stairs, it was my father. Urgh i don't want to deal with him right now, i thought. He opened the door and asked if i was done with my homework and the chores, i thought to myself: do you really expect me to do my chores while my sister left me behind with you two. So i said no, them suddenly my father got really mad. He started yelling, i didn't know that it was that big of a deal. I looked at him with my eyes wide open, for a second i thought he was going to hurt me. He yelled at me that i better start doing the things i need to do, so i started cleaning the house, do the dishes, make the table and wash the clothes. This was gonna be so hard without my sister now I'm standing here all alone by myself exhausted after all the chores that i did in the one hour my dad gave me.

I was going to call Hazel and ask if she could meet up when my mom stormed in my room so i hung up.  Then my mom starts yelling at me, seriously what the hell is wrong with them!
She Saïd that I need to find a extra job to pay them, for living in the house! What! That's all I could think. I thought it was normal as a daughter to not pay, but I let it go. I tried to stay calm and said I would go and pay them.

Why do I have to pay that does no one to their kids, right? I was so confused but I shrugged it. I put my airpods in and started cleaning since that was the last chore I needed to do. I was finally done and wanted to take a shower. I walked in the bathroom but the sink and shower were broken! Like literally BROKEN! The sink was laying on the floor, it looked like a mountain of broken rocks. The shower doors where shattered on the floor. I didn't realize that I stood there all the time in pieces off glass as soon as I realized it, it started to hurt a lot I walked to the toilet since there was no way to wash off the glass cause the sink was broken. I took all the pieces out of my foot but it still hurted. I was happy enough I didn't cry, then I saw my parents behind their bedroom door staring at me and laughing. Did they wanted me to step in the glass? I just walked away.
Yesterday evening...
There was knocking on the door I doubt to open the door, but I did aventually. My dad stood there with a knife in his hands, they are insane. I jumped 2 steps back. He said I couldn't leave my room. I don't know why but if I did he was gonna hurt me, that's all that he told me.

He left, finally.
I knew what they are gonna do. Did I tell you that its summer break? There you go now you know. We where going on a world trip. We needed to leave tonight. Well another surprise. I'm locked in my room and my parents are gonna go without me. I need to think! I need to find a way to get out off here not that my parents didn't threatened me early on but this was different, I had enough of it. This isn't the life I want to live. 

I knew what I needed to do! Hazel, oh my gosh why didn't I think of here before. She's going on a holiday to Australia in 2 weeks. I called her.

Conversation on the phone:

Hazel: hey waddup?

Mae: hey you need to help me out!!!

Hazel: your parents again? What do I do?

Elle-Mae: well... I don't have much time to talk but my parents locked me up in my room and my dad threatened me with a knife! I need to get out off here. I need to go to a place where my parents aren't going to...

Hazel: oh my goshhh Australia! You need to come with me, no no no you need to escape out of that goddamn room and already go ! You can find something for those 2 weeks before I arrive there and then you can tag along!

Mae: I knew you could read my mind, but that well?! You're amazing! I am going to pack my bags and suitcase c ya. Call you when I'm on my way and escaped out of this prison!!!

End of the call

The next morning...
I started to pack everything I needed. After that was done I put my backpack on grabbed my suitcase and jumped out of my window. I sure do think everyone heard me hitting the ground but no one reacted, nice!

I walked with my luggage to the train station and found a train that will drop me of at the airport. The train arrived and I sat down.

That's were we are now. Still 10 minutes until we arrive at the airport, can't fricking wait!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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