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After I stopped crying, I walked through the woods, only to see Angel fighting Lucy and Hibiki. Lucy was almost out of magic energy, while Hibiki was in the back. So I did what seemed the most reasonable. I walked in during the middle of the battle.

Everyone froze.

I shrugged. Angel loked at me with a shocked expression, like she couldn't believe that I was really there. I walked up to her. "Walk with me," I whispered.

When she was sure that Lucy and Hibiki were out of sight, she tackled me in a hug. "Shadow," she whispered. "You're here. You're really here."

"You sound like I just came back from the dead." I said while laughing softly. "Did you really think that you would never see me again? Stop crying now, ok?"

She nodded, trying and failing to stop crying. Her tears continued to flow, but they were silent.

"Hey, did you miss me that much?" I joked. "It's not like I died, right?"

Lucy and Hibiki charged through the woods and found us. I sighed. "Well, I'll leave you to your little fight then."

And with that, I left.

I wandered around, hoping to find something else to do, and came across Midnight fighting Ren. None of the Blue Pegasus Mage's attacks were landing, and he seemed utterly confused. Midnight... So this is who you've become... I thought sadly. To think he had changed so much. before I knew it, Ren was defeated.
"That was quite boring... Isn't there anyone stronger here?" Midnight wondered to himself. I stepped out of my hiding place, and his eyes widened. "Suki..." He whispered.
"I'm not here to fight," I told him. "But if you insult my friends again, I... I'm going to have to do something. I've been so useless... I haven't done anything in this alliance--"

"Then join us." My head snapped up at Midnight's words. Join them? Does he think I'm insane? "I know you can't fight us, Suki. If you can't beat them, join them, right?" I shook my head.

"You know I can't do that, Mid." I smiled. "I can't. I love fairy tail, they accepted me, I'm not an outcast.... But you guys... I can't go against you either... I don't know what to do..."

Tears fell once again. I loved my friends at fairy tail, but Midnight, Angel, and Cobra have been my best friends since... Really since forever. Arms wrapped around me, and Midnight's voice rang in my ears. "Think about it." with that he got up and left, leaving me alone in the woods once more.

<<<<short time skip to when Erza is fighting Midnight>>>>

~I heard their voices... Where are they?~ I could have sworn I heard a fight here.. Where is it?!
And then I see them.

It's Erza vs. Midnight. My two closest friends, fighting.

Now what, I can't just jump in... I don't want to hurt either of them... what do I do? Well... Midnight won't hurt me, I think, neither will Erza... I...

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt either of them... and Midnight... as much as I hated to admit my feelings, I have had a crush on him for quite some time now... except I never acknoledged it. And now...

While I was spacing out, i failed to realize that it was midnight (the time not the person). "It's to late now," Midnight snarled. "You should have let me beat you before midnight, when my powers are the strongest!" And then he did his illusion thing, where he's this huge monster thing.

That won't work. As long as Erza's using her fake eye, illusion magic won't work. Anyway, she probably figured out his magic by now...

As I expected, Erza won. It was then when I noticed the other strikingly familiar mage with blue hair... could it be...


"Oh, Suki, we didn't see you there," Erza said.

"No shit, i didn't talk, or move, and I was invisible. OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T SEE ME!"

Erza chuckled. "Watch your language, Suki." I glared at her.

I noticed Jellal looking at me. "How do you know my name?" He asked.

"He lost his memories?" I asked Erza. She nodded sadly. I smirked. "Well, I bet he still likes you, even without his old memories," I teased.

"Sh-shut up!"

I laughed, then saw Midnight laying on the floor, and my eyes saddened. "You two go on ahead," I said to Erza and her future boyfriend, they were getting ready to leave. "I'll catch up."

Erza saw immediately why I wanted to stay, and nodded understandingly. "Alright," she agreed. "But catch up soon, alright?"

I nodded.

As soon as they couldn't see me, a bolted towards Midnight. "Are you OK?" I asked him frantically. He looked up at me and smiled, but didn't say anything.

Of course he wouldn't say anything, you dolt, he's f*cking exhausted from fighting Erza. I scolded myself.

"Well, I guess you're fine, so I'll leave now," Before I could move any further, he grabbed my wrist.

"No." His whisper was barely audible. "Stay with me."

I blushed, Midnight laughed softly.

"So you do like me?" He suddenly asked me.

"W-what?" I stuttered. "N-no, I mean, maybe, I mean..." My voice trailed off. Midnight laughed again.

"Just tell me," he whispered. "Please?"

I sighed. "Oh, fine." I could feel my face burning up. "I... I do like you." My voice was barely above a whisper. Midnight smailed with sastisfaction.


"I really have to leave now, so nobody thinks that... well..."

Midnight smiled, and let go of my wrist. "Alright. But promise that we'll meet again soon, okay?" I nodded.


"And don't forget about my offer. If anyone at Fairy Tail ever hurts you... you can come to us, we'll accept you too, alright?"

I nodded.

And I left to go find my friends.

I'm really really sorry that I haven't updated in a really long time!!! I had a very bad case of writer's block. Please don't kill me, I'll try to update more often! Anyway, I got 100 reads, and I know that's not a lot, but it means a lot to me! Thanks everyone!

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