Blind Bankers and The Black Widows

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**A/N** in the episode Blind banker you don't see Lestrade so I am going to bring him back and have him working another case with Ellie, While Sherlock is working on The Blind Banker case. I would also like to dedicate this chapter and update to @Team_elijah for helping me with this wonderful idea, check out her stories if you are into The Vampire Diaries.

Ellie's POV:

Greg is filling me on the Drug Heist that is going on, a gang is looking to sell a TON of Heroin but thankfully to my Powers of Deduction they got caught during it. We sent two Police officers there to intercept it because they didn't heed my word as gospel and thought it was small when I told them that it was in reality big. The Black Widow gang is what they are called shot the two police officers execution style, and then I decided that it was time for me to get involved, my objective is to get the heroin and find the Black Widows. I thrive on this kind of adrenaline, my heart is beating like a drum but I am fit so it is a good sign and my breathing is silent. I use my powers of deuduction and find a secret entrance to a cellar type of hide out under a bridge and I can immediately tell that they make the drugs in there and that is where they are hiding the stash and themselves. I sneak in there quietly and shoot one of the members like a sniper, and he falls but he isn't dead and everyone else is alert but they don't know where I am so they are jerking their heads at the tinest sounds they hear thinking that it is me. I sneak up like the awesome consulting detective I am find the drugs and see that two people are guarding them so I shoot them down and take the drugs and get out and Greg and his posse take down the rest of the Black Widows.


Third person POV:

At the National Antiquites Museum, Chinese pottery expert Soo Lin Yao demonstrates a tea ceremony to a group of visitors. Afterwards, as closing time approaches, her co-worker Andy Galbraith asks her out for a drink, but she turns him down and says that he would not like her very much if he knew her. Soo Lin then tells him to stop asking her out.

That night, Soo Lin is working late when she hears someone moving. She goes to investigate and finds a statue covered with a canvas. When she pulls the canvas away, she stares in shock at what she saw underneath.

Dr. John Watson is trying to buy groceries at the supermarket, but the machine gives him problems and refuses to accept whatever form of payment he tries to use. Meanwhile, at home, Sherlock Holmes battles a robed swordsman and finally knocks him out. When John finally comes home, he complains that he had a row with a machine, and that Sherlock has not moved all day. Sherlock admits that he turned down a case about a diamond and gave the messenger a refusal. As he does, he also shoves a sword beneath the chair. John notices that Holmes is using his computer to check his e-mail. John asks for money, and Sherlock says he has to go to the bank, in actuality a big financial powerhouse.

At the bank, Sebastian Wilkes, an old university acquaintance of Sherlock's, asks for help. As they exchange greetings, Sherlock deduces from out-of-nowhere that Sebastian has made two trips around the world in the past month. He pretends to have learned this from Sebastian's secretary, but later confides to John that he figured it out from the fact that Sebastian's watch was brand new and it was also two days behind, indicating that he had crossed the International Date Line but had not altered it.

Sebastian explains that someone broke into their former chairman's empty office the night before and sprayed an apparently meaningless set of symbols on a wall and across the head of the chairman's portrait. Sebastian shows them the room, and two symbols, one on a painting and one on the wall nearby. The building is sealed and the CCTV shows that the vandal did the deed within a 60 second period between 11:33 PM and 11:34 PM. He offers to pay Sherlock to find the hole in their security. Sherlock turns down the money, but John quickly accepts.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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