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Packing was one of he more exciting things today, as mum walked in to my room that morning but this was different this morning. This morning she has tears rolling down her dark skin, I had inherited the same kind of skin just a bit lighter.

I was going to go to university, visit my father, rent an apartment and meet some new friends.

Mum let out a small hiccup of sobbing and I instantly ran to hug her, I was the middle child she didn't have me to look after my little sister Klara, she could no longer count on me.

"It just 2 years mum, before you know it I'll be home." I reassured her.

I needed mum to let me go so that I can go pursue my career in baking.

I knew that when I told mum I would be back in two years it could be longer.

"But what if..You don't get back?" She said.

"Mum nothing will keep me from coming back to you and Klara." I told her.

"Okay." She whispered in a small voice.

We walked downstairs together in silence to find Klara dressed ready for school and eating her breakfast. Mum re-did her hair into a nice braid and turned to resume making us some tea.

I drove the spare car to Klara's school and we as usual were early.

I turned to her and we stay there in silence hoping one of us would speak. After a few minutes I noticed her eyes begin to well up. I I grabbed her hand and interlocked her fingers with mine I kissed her hand and whispered to her "What's wrong Kla?"

She let out a small sigh and a sniffle and let go of my hand.

"Im going to miss you Nelly." I grabbed her and pulled her into me for a hug. Her shortness allowed me to put my head on top of her blonde braided head.

After a few minutes the school bell rang and we drew apart. I let her grab her bag and jacket and hop out of the small car, and as she was about to close the door. "Wait!" I hastily said "I almost forgot, you need your treat." As I said the trigger word 'treat' a big grin emerged on her face.

I handed her two big containers of cupcakes all frosted to perfection.

"Now your all set, mum will pick you up early and take you to the airport."

Her grin went clean off her face. "Hey! You put that grin back on your face for the rest of the day or you don't get the cake." I told her. She smiled from ear to eat then as I pulled out a third container.

She reached in to grab the third container with the blue velvet cake I whispered, "Keep that smile you have then later there's time for the other stuff." She stiffly nodded as the containers were way to much for her. I hopped out the car and carried two of the containers to her class room.

After the small trip to Klara's school I went to my local university to sign the leftover forms that got me out of here and into a great cooking institute in London.

Halfway though signing the rest of the forms I hears hurried footsteps coming from outside when in burst in a tired looking boyfriend of mine. "Caleb!What are you doing here? Your class is on and-" I was cut off straight when he smashed his lips onto mine. He drew back. "I couldn't stand to see you go like this." He said.

"Caleb I can't talk right now but when are you out for lunch?" I asked

"12:43pm." He said. "We'll meet me at Starbucks then."

He nodded then in a full sprint ran back to class.

I went back to filling out more forms.


Later that day I met up with Caleb and we got Starbucks, we sat down and talked for a while. Then as we were about to leave the dreaded question came into play. "Nelly, do you still want to be together long distance?" He asked me.

I took a deep breath in, exhaled them I decided to tell him the truth.

"I can't make that decision like this." I told him. "Well we need to!" He screamed at me. I took a large gulp of my drink then left the table "Babe. I didn't mea-" but I cut him off. "Yes you did." I said in a small yet solemn voice, "You promised when we started dating that you would never yell at me." I said again, I was not going to burst my top for this jerk. "I've made my decision. We are no longer together." I told him and then I threw my drink in the bin.

I walked hastily to the car and unlocked it, hoped into the car and turned on the ignition I went home.

Later at 2:00 my mum found me in the kitchen making a vanilla cake with small handmade pink icing rose flowers. She sat down at the breakfast bar and played with the fruit bowl arrangement.

"Are you ready to go?"she asked me

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied whilst placing the last flower around the edge of the bottom layer.

Mum picked up Klara and I drove separately to the international side of the airport.

I waited there 15 minutes and then mum and Klara showed up, I didn't tell anyone else the gate number of my flight because I didn't want to have that amount of crying and hugging going around. Then finally, my flight was called for boarding.

I gave mum a hug "Mum you have to work extra hard so that you can support Kla, okay?" I told her and she nodded fiercely.

"Klara, you need to stay strong I'm not here anymore." I said "yes..." She said in a small voice trailing off.

I lined up and slowly they shrunk away from my sight as I walked down the tunnel to my plane.


Yay! Another chapter up

I'm going to try and update more regularly.

I hope you guys take the time to vote and comment.

🌻xx CarlyMonkeyPie xx🌻

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