3- First Class

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As a kid walking through the airport was always a happy time for me. Watching the adults hurrying frantically to their gate.

I wanted nothing more then to be that kid again as soon as we walked into any airport. The trip to the airport has become my living hell. The bright light of the camera flash and the constant harassment that we have to deal with.

Flying commercial was our only choice and we had as all the other flights were booked out. I know it is really a tall order but i wish that i could ride commercial and just sit there without being disturbed.

Walking on the plane is always the worst . The security always go on first and then us so as soon as anyone sees the security or even Paul they know something is about to go down. As soon as i walked onto the plane there were about 4 fan-girls that i saw displaying our merchandise, they as if in sync looked up all at the same time saw Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam and I.

The flight attendants rushed over and puled the curtain closed but just before i has a sheath of blue fabric in my face i caught eye contact with a girl who was giggling at us. she saw me and returned to her book she had brown hair and the most brilliant eyes I have ever seen in my life. I felt a spark of connection between her and I, she was like the inspiration to every song i have ever wrote. She is and was the perfect girl.


I knew as soon as i saw him that he is the boy from the boy-band that took over the world last year.

I couldn't hep but laugh when i saw how obsessed a girl can be to meet them i mean even on pulic transport.

The worst part is he saw me laughing and he kept staring at me. It was kind of flattering though that someone of his standard took note of me

I returned to my book

  The Giver      

by Lois Lowry

Just as i was settling in and the flight attendants were readying take off i was met with a blonde flight attendant with the most uniform and dull voice I've ever heard.

"Excuse me miss but you have been upgraded to first class by a very generous person." she told me

"Oh?! Well okay lead the way?" i said frazzled.

I picked up my items and i followed the Woman up the aisle to the first class component of the plane.


" So What inspired this burst of generosity?" asked Harry.

"What? Can't i just be nice to a pretty girl for my morals?" i replied, i was offended by the fact that they think that i have to gain something from every situation.

I returned to looking out the window and not even a second later the blue curtains opened to reveal the girl that I had invited to sit with me in first class.

She was just as beautiful as two minutes ago.

Love was not a big enough word for the way that i felt towards her.

She began walking over to me and then all of a sudden the snobby girl sitting two rows behind us at the back of firs class stuck out her foot and the girls items went flying out of her hands. Harry was on the ground before i could even blink an eye. Picking her stuff up and then handing it to her. I reckon that he even shot her a wink cheekily. That got me in a bad mood but I tried not to let that show in front of her.

I finally spoke to her.

It was probably the worst impression ever.

My exact words were "Do you like the window or aisle seat?"

"I'm not really bothered." Her voice was sweet and nice but not girly, she was not to feminine or anything and i liked that about her.

I stood up and it as like a really nice notebook scene. Not kissing but close enough that it could happen. She turned her head so that it couldn't happen, I knew right then and there that she was very protective of herself.

But what was i thinking I hadn't even formally introduced myself. Before i knew it the words slipped out of my mouth and into the space between us, my words making her turn her head back to me.

"Hey my name is Niall

It felt like forever that we were standing there so very close and i didn't know that this girl was the girl that is the most interesting person on the planet. we finally sat down when the rude flight attendant that got her gave us an ugly look and told us to take our seats as the plane was about to take off.

We took our seats, Her sitting at the window seat.

"I never got your name. I said

"Niall, My name is Nelly." Nelly said.

How are you enjoying your trip to first class.

She put on a posh accent and began to talk. "Mhmmmm, I mean this is where i ride every time i was about to get upgraded before you came along and paid for me."

"Hehe. Wait? How did you know it was me?!" i said surprised.

"I didn't, but you sure as hell gave that up easily!" She said laughing.

I sat there wide eyed and embarrassed so i just shook i all off and laughed with her.

"Well, we have 11 hours of getting to know each other now, don't we?" she said.


10 hours and thirty minutes later i had learned a ton about this girl.

i made a mental note.

Favorite colour- Orange

Mothers name- Helena

siblings- one litle sister called Klara.

favorite  hobby- Baking

Job- Going to go study baking at Le Cordon Bleu

Relationship Status- single

favorite food- Undetermined

I also learned that she has had a very hard relationship. Her father used to come home drunk and verbally abuse her mother and she would sit upstairs with music baring to get it out of her head. That's why she terminates any relationship that results in verbal abuse.

She learned plenty about me as well. Like how much Nandos I order and that  i have a brother who got married.

Not anything that she knows.

 "Hey I know that this is a really stupid question but i had a really good time today. The mot ive had since last year and i was just wondering weather or not we can keep in touch?" She asked me.

"Of course i thought that you would never ask." i replied.

we exchanged phone numbers and relaxed while the plane landed. When he seat belt sign turned off we got up and retrieved our overhead luggage. I lifted her's down for her.

as i was about to start exiting the plane with the security i turned to her and looked into her eyes one last time and before i knew it the words i was thinking of asking turned into a real question

"Do you wanna get a ride with us? I mean its the least we can do.

she smiled a beautiful toothy grin and looked at me in the eye.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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