Mirror, Mirror

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You're too fat.You're too skinny.You're all the wrong curves.You're all skin and bones.The mirror on the wall reflectsYour self-conscious thoughts shovingPhotoshopped Beauty Queens down your throat,And in your mind. That's why you look at othersAnd discriminate and envy.That's why you throw up in the bathroomAnd buy over priced clothes to fit in.That's why you avoid looking at yourselfAnd sink into the background.You have to be the perfect size two.Or you'll hear the taunts of magazines,Claiming you're nothing. Pressuring you to be something your not.Keeping you awake at night with tears.Breaking you into a million pieces. Trying to pick you up and create something else.Someone who isn't you.Instead piece yourself back together.Brush away the pressure.Stop throwing up.Don't max your credit cards. Look yourself in the eye. Mirror, Mirror on the wall.Who's the fairest of them all?You.

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