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The small creature squeaked as it stretched.

"Nee-chan, Nee-chan!"

"What is it, 72?" said the girl with a smile as she picked up the furry creature. It hopped onto her arm and crawled to her shoulder.

"Why are you so mean to people?" it asked sadly. The girl sighed and petted the creature's head.

"There's no use making attachments. They all just die anyway," she said bitterly with a hint of sadness. "You're the only one that doesn't leave me, 72." She smiled and petted the creature.


(Y/n) paced outside the building.

"What the heck are they doing in there? It's been 20 minutes!"

Finally, Kobayashi and the brunette, Hanasaki, came out.

"Yo, (Y/n)!" (Y/n) glared at him.

"Don't get too friendly, you parasite," she hissed at him. He showed no sign of being intimidated, instead smiling.

"Anyway, today's case is about some old lady's missing son!"

"A missing person case...Interesting..." (Y/n) licked her lips and smiled devilishly. A man in a wheelchair came out.


'Ryou Inoue.'

(Y/n) nodded.

As the four sat in the car at the park, Inoue spoke sternly to Kobayashi.

"Don't speak to the client. Don't even make eye contact. I won't tolerate any more rude behavior. Understood?"

"What did Snowflake do this time?" (Y/n) said, preparing to smack Kobayashi.

"He basically told the client to kill herself," Inoue said angrily. Inoue didn't see what happened, as he was facing forward, but he heard a noise and a cry of pain from Kobayashi.

"But I'm not wrong," Kobayashi grumbled. (Y/n) smacked him again.

"Shut up! Just because life is nothing to you doesn't mean that others feel the same way!" Kobayashi glared at (Y/n) and was about to speak before being interrupted by Hanasaki.

"Cut him some slack! He's still new here!" he chirped, leaning his head back onto his hands.

"This is more than just being new," Inoue said, glancing at Kobayashi.

"Yeah, you tell him, Ryou!" (Y/n) said. Inoue gave her a look of confusion. "It says it right on your shirt." She pointed at his shirt stoically. A light blue nametag appeared on his shirt. Inoue looked at her suspiciously but decided not to question it.

A pair of what seemed to be reporters walked up to them. The woman knocked on the window, calling them to come out.


Kobayashi and Hanasaki sat on the swing set in the park as Hanasaki talked to the two people. (Y/n), uninterested in their conversation, sat on a bench with Inoue and played with a baseball that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. The people, who turned out to be detectives rather than reporters, exchanged information about the case with Hanasaki and Inoue. The woman then started talking to Kobayashi.

"What's your name, newbie?"

"That's Kobayashi," said Hanasaki. The woman grinned.

"You've got a pretty cute face, eh?"


After a bit of bickering, the pair left. As the group watched them leave, some nearby kids playing with water guns accidentally shot some at Kobayashi, causing his powers to activate and throw him off the swing. While everyone stared in shock, (Y/n) just laughed at him. Hanasaki awkwardly grinned at the detectives who were leaving.

"S-See ya!" he said with an awkward chuckle.

With nothing left to do there, the club departed.

Noro, the club's NEET, reported information about the missing person to Hanasaki and Inoue.

"He pretty much stayed close to home. He never went more than 500 meters away, and he hasn't interacted with any friends as of recently. There was some security footage of him, but it'd be useless to us."


Hanasaki was so lost in thought while walking down the street that he failed to notice the disappearance of two presences. (Y/n) was the first to walk away, walking towards a shady-looking shop in a narrow alleyway. Kobayashi came next, ducking into a nearby alley to avoid killing people with his powers. Hanasaki only noticed the lack of the two people whenever he turned around to talk to Kobayashi. Puzzled, he looked around and eventually found him in an alleyway.

"What're ya doing here?" he asked cheerfully.

"I can't walk through that crowd. If I do, we'll have bigger problems than a missing person." Kobayashi hugged his knees.

"Do you have any clue where (Y/n) went?" Hanasaki asked. Kobayashi shook his head.

"No, and I honestly couldn't care less. All she does is yell at me and hit me."

"But don't you think it's kind of cute?! A girl starts following you around and refuses to leave your side or let you die! Wouldn't you say it's romantic~?" Hanasaki swooned.

"I'd say your idea of cute is pretty messed up," Kobayashi mumbled.

"Oi, quit making me sound like a creep!" Kobayashi recognized the voice and winced.

"My peace ends," he grumbled. Hanasaki laughed.

"Well that's what you've been doing, isn't it?" Hanasaki grinned.

A "tch" escaped Kobayashi's and (Y/n)'s mouths.

"At least make it sound less creepy!" Hanasaki ignored (Y/n) and asked a question.

"Where'd you wander off to?"

"None of your business," (Y/n) snapped.

"It is! You're part of our club, so it is most certainly my business!" Hanasaki pouted.

"Quit it, you look like an idiot."

"You never answered my question!"


I know this is poorly written but I really wanna avoid rewatching it as much as possible.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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