Chapter 5

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"So that's it?" Alexei asked as Kya and Emi exited the elevator. Alexei, Emi and Lynn had gone to Lyoko again to explore the hidden sectors. Technically, they had already explored the sectors. But their exploration had been cut short with an actived tower that targeted Kya and several others trapped at the skating ring. Everything turned out well after the tower was deactived and Cam used a Return to the Past to repeat the day. "We're stopping here for the night?"

"We don't have much of a chose." Kya pointed out. "You two got devitluatived after arriving in the Tundra sector. Your lucky pratice ended when it did. Or else Emi would still be on Lyoko." During breakfast that morning, the group had opted to repeat the day and explore the hidden sectors again without Kya. Kya couldn't get out of pratice and agreed to meet them at the mansion afterwards. Pracitce had just ended when she got a call from Cam that Lynn and Alexei had both been deviltarutized and Emi was alone in the unfamiliar Tundra sector.

"She's right. It would've been to dangerous to continue with only one Defender." Cam interjected. "You also have to remember after each trip to Lyoko, Emi had to escorted to a tower so that I can use the materialztion program to bring her back to earth." Kya had a differcult time following Cam's directions to the portal, with five krabs and a swarm of hornets after them.

"I get it, geez." Alexei lazily lounged on the pile of cushions they kept in the lab. "What I meant was, Mi'lady and the general aren't gonna stay here most of the night doing their nerd thing?"

Emi and Cam shared a look. Cam had planned on staying, like usual, to work on somethings. He'd assumed Emi would leave with the others. Since her arrival at Kadic, Emi hasn't helped Cam with any of the Lyoko projects. Cam didn't mind, he perfered it this way. He knew how much living on earth meant to Emi. He wanted her to fully adjust to her new life without having to worry about other things. If that meant more sleepless nights for him, so be it.

"Yes." Emi said, the same time Cam answered. "No."

Emi gave him a look that said 'don't aruge'. "I'm staying to help anlazy the data we've collected."

Cam shook his head, "I'm finishing the vechilces tonight. You won't be able to use the supercompter." Completion of the vechiles wasn't high on his list of proities. But after seeing how much they helped when traveling on Lyoko, Cam thought he'd change proities for the night. "I plan on finshing them tonight."

"Good thing I brought my laptop." Smiling, Emi pointed to where her school bag laid on the floor. "And before you say anything, I've already linked my laptop to the supercompter, Kya's desktop in her dorm, and your laptop. So everything can be uploaded and saved in real time."

Lynn let out a low whistle. "She's several steps ahead of you general. You've got no way of kicking her out now."

That didn't stop Cam from trying. "Are you sure? Don't you have a test tomorrow? What about sneaking back to Kadic? You can't afford to draw to much attention to yourseslf." He approticate Emi wanting to help, but he didn't want her school work and life to suffer from the strain of the extra work. Cam was more than use to it after having done it for more than a year.

Emi shook her head, "I'll be fine Cam. I'm well aware that staying up all night on Lyoko and on earth will have very different affects on my body. But I assure you, I'll be fine." She gave him a knowing look. "Beside, you've noticed your progress speed has decreased since I'm no longer on Lyoko."

That was true. Emi would often continue Cam's work and run tests when he wasn't able to work on them. They also spent many nights working well into the early morning sometimes. The combination of their efforts sped up Cam's work and allowed them to complete the sub-hacking and other programs months head of time, than if Cam had worked on them alone.

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