(Sorry a/n)

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I hate my life anyway. Does anyone have any binding tips without a binder I'm about jump out a fucking window and I'm having a breakdown. My mom said "you can't have a short hair cut because you'll look like a boy" and I'm over here fucking thinking about killing my self because of dysphoria and god do I love it ( note the sarcasm please) and then she says "your a female you don't want to look like a boy" like OH MY GOD YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ACTUALLY SAY THAT LIKE WTH DUDE. Sorry 😐 um I'm out of my mind and ranting because I'm trying not to cut because being in therapy ducking suck and I don't have a supportive mom or dad. Hell my dad ain't even here I was so horrible! I need help and friends I can talk to. Sad thing is everyone didn't like me and didn't want to be my friend yayyyy. I love ya guys though! Bye have a good day/night  or evening. 💖🙂

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