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trixie had survived her first class at her new school. she actually had survived her first four classes at her new school. and it was now lunch, the part trixie has dreaded the most.

she had made a friend although.

her name was kim. she had been in trixie's history class and trixie was beyond thankful that the teacher sat her next to kim.

she had been nice and asked questions about her life back in wisconsin and even invited her to come sit with her friends at lunch. now here trixie was searching the big lunch room for the tall asian girl with the lisp.

she had spotted her sitting with two other girls. and as she walked over kim looked up and gave her a huge smile.

she introduced the other two girls, dela and naomi, and then the three carried on the previous conversation. trixie felt out of place but was at least happy she wasn't sitting alone.

her eyes wandered around the cafeteria. the deeper the three girls got into their conversation the more they seemed to forget trixie was there. it made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

"i'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick i'll be right back" she brushed her hands on her skirt and grabbed her bag. she speed walked her way to the bathroom she passed by earlier and thanked whatever god was listening that no one was in there.

she hopped up onto the counter with the sinks and put her bag down next to her. she used this time now to just go on her phone, mindlessly scrolling through twitter.

and of course she put some music on. dolly parton. her favorite.

her alone time lasted a whole 2 minutes before the door was thrown open. and in came the girl she had met earlier. katya.

she quickly paused the music feeling a bit embarrassed hoping that the other girl didn't hear. but she did.

"dolly?" she hoped up on the counter next to trixie. which trixie just nodded her head in response.

"so what are you doing sitting in a bathroom all by yourself if you don't mind me asking?" if it wasn't for her perfectly white smile trixie would've been totally offended by the question. but the way those red lips paired with the perfect straight teeth looked made her lose every once of offense.

she finally ripped her eyes away from the undeniably beautiful girl next to her and just looked straight ahead. "i got bored at lunch. and wanted to play my music" she responded dryly. "besides," trixie looked back at the other girl once again, "i could be asking you the same thing."

her perfect red smile turned into a smirk as she grabbed a box of of her bag. "i just came in for a smoke, the teachers never check this bathroom." she took one of the cigarettes out and put it between her lips while holding another in her hand holding it out for trixie. the younger of the two just shook her head and watched the other fumble with the lighter.

normally trixie would be completely against smoking but the way the other girl looked had her mesmerized. the way she leaned her head back against the mirrors blowing the smoke out and her wavy blonde hair was falling out of her ponytail.

"take a picture it'll last longer" the words startled trixie who quite frankly, didn't realize she was staring.

before she could even try to make up a lame excuse katya cut her off, "don't worry about it i'm just teasing you" she went and took another drag before putting the cigarette out.

trixie didn't know what else to do. she didn't really know the girl next to her there wasn't anything to talk about. and every interaction she's had with the girl has left her cheeks burning and her stomach feeling weird. so she hopped down from the counter.

katya's head shot back up now. with a slight pout. "i'm gonna go back to the lunchroom, my friends are probably wondering where i am so.." she gave an awkward wave to the older girl who gave her a smile back. she hopped off the counter too standing next to trixie. she had to physically look up at trixie due to the height difference.

"i should be heading back now too i guess. come on" she held her hand out for trixie to take but she just denied it and trailed on a bit behind her.

they walked back into the lunchroom and trixie sat back down next to kim and watched as katya gave her a small wave before walking off to her friends. now the three girls who barely even batted an eye at trixie before were staring at her with wide eyes.

kim was the first to speak up, "oh my god. zamo really? on your first day? i wouldn't have pegged you as that kind of girl." now trixie was confused. zamo? was she talking about katya? "i have no idea what you're talking about kim." after she said this naomi gasped from across the table. "she really doesn't know wow." trixie just furrowed her brows more. was no one going to tell her.

dela was the one to finally break the silence. "katya, she's like the schools biggest player. you guys didn't um, hook up or anything right?" now the confusion turned to shock. was katya being nice because she just wanted to get in trixie's pants? it's not like that would work on her anyways.

trixie started laughing, "i'm straight guys, don't worry about me" the rest of the girls just gave each other a knowing look. "sure trixie whatever you say" before trixie could defend herself she heard the bell ring. saved by the bell.

she was so thankful she didn't have to carry out that conversation with girls she just met. who are they to say whether or not she was straight? sure she thought katya was pretty, but she liked boys. and only boys.


straight | trixya Where stories live. Discover now