three ;

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trixie has somehow survived her first day of school in boston. and she was now mentally preparing herself for the second.

she walked into her first class and tried to ignore katya and violet as she sat down in her seat.

of course she wanted to maybe become friends with katya, she was nice and there was something strangely alluring about her. but she did not want to build a friendship that was just katya's way of getting in her pants. which by the way, would never happen because she is straight.

but the second katya turned to her and smiled with a quiet, "good morning kukla" in that stupid russian accent trixie immediately melted.

"hi. uh, what does that mean?" instead of katya responding she heard a laugh from violet. did she speak russian too?

"knowing her something disgustingly sweet, let me guess baby girl? princess? my love?" violet said with an eye roll.

"no, it means doll" this time katya and trixie's cheeks flushed.

"gross" violet looked back at trixie, "but it kinda fits" was all she said before turning back around.

"don't mind violet she's cranky in the morning" the only response she got was violets middle finger without even turning around.

the rest of the class went by pretty uneventful. trixie caught katya staring at her more times than she could count though.

in fact, her next few classes had been uneventful. she saw kim of course but other than that trixie spent her classes day dreaming or just simply doing her work.

until lunch.

while she was thankful kim offered to have her sit with her friends again trixie had other ideas in mind. she was going to try to befriend the crazy russian girl with the questionable laugh.

once the bell rang trixie made a beeline to the bathroom she met katya in the day before. she didn't even know if katya would be coming in there today but it was worth a shot. of course she could always just talk to her in her first period class but what's the fun in that?

so trixie hopped up on the counter again and took out her phone. even if the other girl didn't show it was nice to have some time to herself.

after a few minutes that felt like forever, the bathroom door swung open.

"fancy seeing you here" katya said while rummaging through her bag, probably looking for cigarettes.

when she found what she wanted she leaned up against the wall beside trixie instead of sitting on the counter.

"the only other people i know that actually comes in this bathroom is my friends pearl and ginger and that's just so they can smoke, so i'm starting to get the idea that this is your hideout?" she took a long puff of the cigarette and waited for trixie to answer her.

she was right though. there was only two stalls in there and the bathroom happened to be next to the gym which meant no one used it because there was the locker rooms. it was always abandoned no wonder why they used it to smoke.

"i guess it is" trixie spoke, "kim's friends are nice and all but i feel like i'm intruding when i sit with them" katya nodded in understanding.

"i'd offer for you to come sit with mine but i think i like hanging out with you in here more" finally katya put out the cigarette and took the opportunity to sit next to trixie.

"so tracy, tell me about yourself" the two girls were now turned to be facing each other, sitting indian style on the counter.

"well it's trixie first of all, and there's not much to it. i just moved here from wisconsin because my moms getting married to her boyfriend here. although personally, i don't really like him. i'm glad we got out of wisconsin though. i think my whole towns population was smaller than the number of kids that go to this school. it's a nice change i guess" trixie sighed. she didn't want to dive deep into her sob story yet.

"moving is tough" katya agreed, "i moved here from russia when i was six, i don't really remember living there because i was so young but i remember what it was like coming to school then. people thought i was weird, which they still do and they aren't wrong! but i didn't like it so much when i was little" hearing katya say that hurt trixie. she knew this girl for about 24 hours and she was such a genuine person that trixie couldn't understand how anyone could dislike her.

"well enough about the depressing stuff!" katya's hand clapped together as she spoke, "do you have a boyfriend back in cow land tracy?" her eyebrows were wiggling as she poked trixie's arm.

"no, and my name isn't tracy! i did have a boyfriend but we broke up because of the move" katya smiled at this.

"well good to know your available" she winked at trixie.

trixie faked a look of disgust, even if she was blushing. "for your information, i'm straight. and besides even if i wasn't i wouldn't dare to date you" this caused katya to burst out into her usual wheezing laughter.

"mama you wish you could get with all this! and please, as if your straight i mean look at you! you just look like a lesbian!" trixie rolled her eyes. she didn't care if anyone thought she was gay, she simply just wasn't.

before she could speak again the door swung open to reveal a short girl with red hair and a blonde girl that was very tall and skinny.

"kat please tell me we didn't walk in on one of your hookups?" the shorter one said. she had a sort of southern accent?

"nope! miss tracy here is very straight and very not into me" she smirked.

well that's a great first impression.

hey y'all i uploaded another trixya story and you should all go check it out!!

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