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Hey, this is my first attempt at a horror story!

I have been obsessed with slender man for a while now, and I thought maybe I could write a story about him! So, here I am!

This story will contain-



slender man


and other things that may make you uncomfortable! Please, if you get nightmares or get scared easily, click away! I have a lot of fluffy stories that are all about cuddles and stuff.

without further or do, 

I hope you have a blanket and a pillow, its about to get a little freaky.


Slender man is a myth. that is what everyone says. He is fake, he does not exist.

but... what if he did? 

What if... some teens were joking around trying to summon him, but getting there very own horror movie played out, right in front of them?

Well... that is exactly what happens.


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