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   I pop the bubblegum bubble I had in my mouth, driving down a highway. I had 4 other people in the car, my best friends. 

   Lynn, a short, white female, with medium length strawberry blonde hair. It is somewhat curly, she is the life of a party but can be stern and down to earth if she wants to be. She has freckles across her nose and cheeks, her shoulders, and her knees. Lynn has piercing emerald green eyes, that can make anyone feel loved or terrified.

   Grey is a short white male who has white hair, and soft blue eyes, which are accompanied by his thin framed black glasses. Grey is the mom of the group for sure. You feeling sad? Call up Grey. Stuck in a tough situation? Get Grey. He seems cool and collected, but he is usually very panicked and worried on the inside. This side of him only comes out in very scary and serious situations.

  Logan is a tall white male, with inviting hazel eyes. Despite his pink hair, he is the big brother type, there to kick anyone's ass for you. His friends are left alone for the most part, because everyone knows they will get very much messed up from Logan. He has a lot of trust issues and doesn't socialize with people outside his friend group.

   Arashi, a mixed female. She is my sister, and trust me when I say, you do NOT want to cross her. She has a very strong build for a female her age and is very intimidating. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes that appear purple. She trains in all of her spare time, ready to pick a fight. Logan often scolds her while Grey attends to her many wounds.

   Then, you have little ol' me. Yuki, a black female with light green eyes. I have light brown hair with the end having been bleached blonde. I have freckles, but they appear white to most people and we don't know why. I can't really explain myself and my personality, so how about you just wait and see.

   We all laugh and sing offkey as I blast 'Crush- By Tessa violet' through my iphone. We pull up to the hotel we were staying at for about a week or so. In all honesty, we just wanted to get away from our parents. They are so controlling and... close minded. They won't let us play with anything related to spirits, like those boards that can contact ghosts. I spit my gum onto the pavement as I look at our door. This is an interesting hotel, they had HUGE rooms, so we only needed one. Luckily, we got a bottom floor room. We grab our stuff and hurry inside, exited to decide what we do first.

   "Alright hoes, what do y'all wanna do?" Lynn asks slyly, plopping down on one of the beds. I fake gasp.

   "I am not a hoe!" I say sharply, dramatically putting my hand over my head.

   "Oh please, we all know you want in Lynn's pants." Logan scoffs putting his stuff down next to his bed. Lynn blushed and I just shrugged.

   "Guilty as charged~" I cooed laying down next to Lynn. Grey and Arashi rolled their eyes at each other and sat on a bed while Logan sat on another.

   "So what are we going to do?" Grey said, looking completly tired out.

   "Truth or dare?" Arashi suggested, a twisted look on her face.

   "Why not?" I said matching her grin. it took about 20 minutes, but we got the others to agree as well.

   "Lynn, truth or dare?" Logan said, an evil smirk on his face.

   "Truth..." She said, side glancing him.

   "Pussy..." he mumbled. "Have you ever done something... questionable, with anyone?" He purred, side glancing me.

   "W-WHAT?! NO!" She yelled, disgusted.

   "You are so booooring." I said, laying my head on her lap.

   "YOU say boring, I say not a dumbass person." She huffs, looking around seeing who she was going to attack next. Then, she got a sinister look on her face. "If I am the boring one, Yuki, truth or dare?"

   "dare, of course." I laugh.

   "I dare you to read up on it, then try and summon slender man."





hehe... that was fun to write! I can't wait to write this gory ass story tbh.

its the first story I can write shamelessly with more adult language and suggestions and its great tbh XD

Also, I am using my friends oc's as well as my own, (Yuki), so I will of course give credit.

@your-ray-of-sunshine @ellesofia13

and yeah :p

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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