Breaking Hell Wide Open

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Luciela & Edwin- "I can't imagine a life without you: "You bring out the best in me

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Luciela & Edwin- "I can't imagine a life without you: "You bring out the best in me. I don't mean better manners, or a sense of maturity, or whatever else this tired world expects of me. I mean you make me want to climb roofs, run wild and act inappropriately, take risks and pursue my dreams with passion and integrity. Around you, I start living." - Beau Taplin

(A/N Disclaimer: I don't own any of the pictures/manga scenes)

Chapter XXXI

Why does it feel like I am the one about to die here?

Beads of sweat rapidly trailed down her face. The waves of darkness coming from Edwin placed a heavy weight over her shoulders. She weakly curse herself for not being able to control her urge to roll into a ball. Luciela peered next to herself and poor Satan himself, looked like he was standing strong by keeping his composure.

However, his complexion was another story. He was very pale at most sickly looking, like the sun never touched his skin. It would be interesting he could go further than that. She wonder if he would just go invisible by the next few minutes of tension. It also looks like he was sweating too....

All hail the Demon King Edwin!

Edwin chuckled, balling his hand up tightly and cracking each of his fingers. "You know, I pride myself over always being able to protect the one I dearly love. But when I leave for a few minutes, there is someone stupid enough to put their hands on my loved one. Which is unacceptable, so the only solution to this crime is immediate execution!" These very words of his sent many chills through the others bodies.

The composure of Lucius broke into a million of pieces. His mind raced as he grew more aware of his changing surroundings. The president was making the whole student council room disappear. "This is only a misunderstanding" Lucius rushed to say, but the bone chilled smiled directed towards him promised a horrific death if he screwed up more.  He mentally freaked out and cried.  Kami-sama, please save me! Lucius mentally shouted as his legs refused to work with him to get up and run.  (A/N: Kami-Zzzzz....*sleeping through the drama* *sneezes and roll over and still sleeping*)

Edwin shook his head and laughs. "So, you say this all just a misunderstanding. That's funny! Did I not just see you on top of her. Your huge body pinning my delicate girl to the floor" Edwin mocked, closing in on the two on the floor. He loomed over them like a powerful tsunami. He reached down, squeezing Lucius's shoulder as his whole happy demeanor turned vicious. Lucius winced as Edwin'a grip tighten enough to leave a bruise. "W-What?!?! I mean-" Lucius baffled expression clouded with anger and disgust. He cleared his throat and gather all the courage he had left to face him.

"Yes, I never meant to touch the piglet! I would never touch a girl like her" Lucius shouted in his face. Horrified, Luciela felt her vision black out as Edwin's magic exploded. A thump behind Edwin was of Gabriel fainting from the pressure.

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