Chapter 2

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"How's your little project coming along, Omega?" Grimmel asked his latest addition to his pack of enslaved dragons, the only human addition, as he watched over the new hyper obedient Hiccup, referring to him with the new name he chose for him to cause Hiccup to disassociate himself from who he once was when the times come that the venom does run dry and the memories of the things he previously thought unthinkable return to him,

"Just give me a bit longer Master, I'm just working out the last of the kinks and making sure it's a comfortable fit so he doesn't tear it off the second he runs dry," The runt responded, his voice lacking nearly all emotion, as he continued to work. The once proud chief of Berk having reverted to thinking of himself the same as he had before he met Toothless both when he is on and off the venom,

"Good work Omega, you're making me more and more glad that I repurposed you rather than just killing you off or selling you off to some disgruntled leader, do you know how high the price on your head is? A lot of people are out for blood, out for your blood. Still though, it doesn't matter how much they'd be willing to give because your part of my death grippers pack now, do you know what that makes you?" the older man asked the younger male,

"Your pet," Hiccup answered in a near monotone voice,

"So that makes me?" Grimmel continued,

"My master," Hiccup replied without the slightest hesitation,

"Good, I'm beginning to love this little experiment more and more every day," the grey haired man mumbled to himself with a smirk as he looked over Hiccup, examining the obvious physical wounds from when his place in the pack was determined, "Now then, what is your name?"


"Hiccup? What do I call you?" Grimmel smirked, enjoying how simple the venom made manipulating Hiccup to not only follow his orders to the letter, but to willingly abandon any part about his former self should his new 'master' deemed fit to replace,

"Omega, you call me Omega," the male with two names answered,

"And, as your master, would you not agree that it is what I say that matters and what I say alone?" Grimmel continued his manipulation methods disguised as questioning with a smirk across his face as he watched the runt of his pack of dragons, the human in the dragon pack,

"What you say goes and only what you say," the once proud chief rephrased,

"So what is your name then, Omega?" Grimmel began observing Hiccups behaviour as he started to act abnormally compared to the rest of the time he was both on and off of the venom. Hiccup was clearly having some what of a mental struggle as his mind tried to tell him to answer with Hiccup, yet this displeased his venom side so it set upon both casting those memories away and to present a new him, the one that Grimmel wanted,

"My name is Omega, as you have called me since I was given a purpose to serve you in the pack, even if it's as the pack runt," he answered, starting with a degree of uncertainty but having lost it by the time he finished his answer, as the venom effectively hid the memories of who he was before Grimmel had gave him his first taste of the venom he was slowly coming to crave, splitting his mind, his personality, in two. Grimmel simply forcing a new name upon the vulnerable runt was enough to split his personality between old and new, Hiccup and Omega.

"Good Omega, that's good. You know who you were always meant to be. You'll never have to worry about your old problems again, your mine now, and I'll look after you like the rest of my prized possessions as well as the rest of the pack itself," Grimmel stated. These words should have pulled Hiccup into a state of panic, yet Hiccup was no where to be found in the broken mind, only the Omega, who was soothed and comforted by such promises of never having to worry about anything again in return for submitting, doing something that naturally felt good to him anyway, regardless of his rank in the pack,

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