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This story is my first attempt at telling a very real story that I have struggled to figure out how to tell. I know that it is just a rough draft and I'll probably end up hating how I'm telling it and starting again. It is a story worth telling however and if I keep up this internal battle, I will never get it out and never feel free so here it is.

This story involves many characters, all of which are real, but their names have been changed. It will bounce back and forth between two perspectives so beware of that in case it gets a little confusing. I will make sure to mark the chapters in a way that makes it a little more clear which perspective it will be in. The chapters will also often be told from a different character's point of view, but this is not the change in overall perspective that I previously mentioned. Thank you for reading this. Each read chips away at the burden that I feel carrying around this painful story.

This is a very twisted story of how a very real family crumbled apart... or more like blew up. This is a mystery that has never been solved, which bred two very distinct stories. The reader is to decide which story they believe to be "true" as I had to. There are very real monsters in this story and no side is preferable so it is quite a hard task. You may come to question what makes a story true and what evils are better to live with and accept.

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