Rudd Thought This All Out and Why is 'This' Here

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emily rudd's character profile at the side/top

Chapter 3 - Rudd Thought This All Out and Why is 'This' Here

*** Barbara's POV ***

"Finally!" I yell, exasperated. Collapsing onto my bed in frustration.

You see, I just finished unpacking my stuff which took 4 hours since they sent up so much stuff. Half the stuff wasn't originally mine. I didn't pack it, yet they sent it up. It was either something that the hotel charged into my card (some thing they usually did), or something one of my old co-workers gifted me. Ugh.

I run my hands down my face and close my eyes, exhuasted. Listening to the pool side music blast as the sounds of models conversing.

"Shit" I mutter, shooting up from my bed and getting my iPhone from my purse on the desk. I dial the second number on my favorites list quickly and wait for them to pick up.

"Come on, come on, come on, pick up, pick up, pick up" I mutter quickly in one breath

"Hello Barbara what can I do for you. I heard your competing in the games this year congrats, a very bold and courageuos move. I'm going to the preview tomorrow by the way" Emily says from the other line

"Oh my god Emily you have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice" I respond, relief clearly in my voice.

Emily giggles "What can I do for you?"

"I know this is a big thing but can you make me a dress, heels and then come over to do my make-up. Since you're already coming over to the ball can you help me out pretty please" I plead

"Oh Barb I already made you a dress and some heels as soon I found out you were competing this year" Emily says chuckling

"Oh my god, thanks Em" I thank her

"I'll be over tomorrow at nine so we can chill the whole day 'till the ball"

"K I'll text you my ro-"

"No need I'm your personal designer. I have my ways and let me tell you how your outfit will look like. Its a hand ma-." She stops midway "Got to go Barb see you tomorrow. Oh and I'm working out tomorrow in your gym so if you want we can work out tomorrow"

"Mhm sounds good"

"Bye" she says hanging up the phone.

I toss my phone onto a random spot on the bed and lay down. I check the time on my phone.

3:00 pm

Sighing to myself I lay on my bed and let thoughts wander into my brain. Slowly falling asleep.

I wake up at 5:30 pm and decide to get some dinner at one of the many restaurants here. I pull out my phone and text Cara praying that she'll answer me

'hey c wanna go catch some dinner today' I text praying for a response

I wait for about 10 seconds before my phone buzzes

'sure where are we eatin' Cara responds in a heap

'where do you want ive been unpacking all day so i havent explored this majestic place of modeling' I text back sarcasm very evident in my texting

'ha ha so funny. anyway ill take you to this italian place i tried yesterday it was sooo good' Cara says picking up the sarcasm while adding some of her own in

'okay thats fine with me so when do you want to meet'

'ill be there in 10'

'k cya then' I text

'cya' she ends

"Well I shall get ready now" I announce to my self

I sit in my living room in my black crew neck, red skater skirt, crescent moon necklace, black tights and maroon doc martens, waiting for Cara to come up. Five minutes later the doorbell rang and there stood Cara in her glowing glory wearing a basic flowing white racer back, black high low skirt and strappy sandals.

We go towards the elevator and push the main floor button. We wait for the ding and walk outside the building. Instead of going towards the door that I came in, we went the opposite way towards the back.

"You're not allowed to go to the outside of the building without authorization" Cara clarifies "The section we are going to is basically a little city just for the competitors and such"

I look around and notice shes correct. It is like a little city full of anything you can imagine.

"Here we are" she announces

We are seated almost immediately and another pair of people are seated right next to me, but we are girls and they are boys.

"Hey it's you!" one of them say "You're the girl I saved yesterday!"

"You know Barbara, Francisco?" the other male named Simon asks

"Yea, I saved her from de-" Francisco clarifies

"Okay we get it can you shut it now?" I budge in, clearly agitated

"Fine, I'll see you at the ball tomorrow then" Francisco says mockingly

Simon and Cara glance worriedly at each other from the corner of my eyes. Shaking my head I order my food and angrily eat it. Let's just say the meal was a very angry one. The food was nice though.




happy november yall. ok so october has been a hectic month.. well at least for me.


my fav holiday passed by if you didnt guess HALLOWEEN comment what you were i was a panda xD anways nothin else to say so dont forget to...


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