Chapter 6: The Lunatic Fringe & Angel Of Darkness V.S. Authority Brats

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Third Person P.O.V.

The camera switched to the backstage area, where it showed Salem and Dean walking hand-in-hand, making the crowd cheer.

The camera switched to the backstage area, where it showed Salem and Dean walking hand-in-hand, making the crowd cheer

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"Did you see the look on his face?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah! I enjoy messing with his head. Even more now that I've got you." he replied as he kissed her.

They both looked to the left and saw Paige and AJ there with smirks on their faces.

"Well, well, well. Look at this." the goth woman said, making them laugh.

"Honestly, you two are better together." AJ added.

"Thanks, girls." Salem replied as she hugged them.

"So, who's usually on top and bottom?" Paige asked.

"Paige!" Salem said as she slapped her arm and they all laughed.

"Just kidding."

"Well, we got a match to go to, so I'll see you two later." Salem told them.

The two girls nodded before they walked off and the new couple walked together to get ready for their match.

*2 Hours Later*

"The following contest is a mixed tag-team match scheduled for one-fall!" Lilian announced.

Dean's theme played and he walked out to cheers as he held Salem's hand.

"Introducing first, the team of Dean Ambrose and Salem!" Lilian announced.

Both walked down the ramp and got in the ring before he brought her close and kissed her, earning whistles and cheers from the crowd.

Call to me, call to me

Summer's theme played and she walked out to boos that made her roll her eyes.

She walked down the ramp and waited for her boyfriend to come out.

Seth's theme played and he walked out with J&J behind him.

"And their opponents, accompanied by J&J Security, representing The Authority, the team of Summer Rae and the World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins!"

They shared a kiss before getting inside the ring.

As Summer got on the rope to do her pose, Seth glared when he saw Dean behind Salem, his hands caressing her waist and his chin on her shoulder.

The bell rang as the men got outside the ropes, allowing their ladies to start the match.

*10 Minutes Later*

Salem and Summer both collided in a double clothesline. Both were worn out and crawled to their corners to try and make tags.

"Come on, babe!" Seth encouraged Summer.

"You go this, Salem! Come on!" Dean said as he desperately reached out.

Salem jumped forward and tagged him in just as Summer tagged in Seth.

As soon as he got in the ring, Dean tackled Seth to the mat and began beating the hell out of him.

He got up and began hitting him with some dropkicks that Salem taught him.

He got on the top rope and hit the elbow on Seth before he grabbed his hair and made him look at him.

"It didn't have to be this way, Rollins! It didn't have to be this way! This is for all of us, and for Salem you piece of shit!" he yelled before slapping him.

He picked him up and did the Dirty Deeds before pinning him.

"One! Two! Th-"

Summer came in and broke the count. Dean stood up as he looked at her fuming in front of him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! You're useless just like your freak!" she screeched before slapping him.

Dean turned his head before smirking at her.

"You just signed your death warrant." he said.

She turned before she was met with a kick to the face by Salem. She grabbed her before setting her on her shoulders and hitting the Rack-Attack.

Salem tossed her out of the ring before grabbing het and sending her over the barricade.

Seth rolled up Dean.

"One! Two!"

Dean rolled Seth up and held on as long as he could.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell rang as Dean's theme played and he rolled out of the ring to the ramp.

Salem ran and he picked her up before spinning her around. He smashed his lips to hers and they made out for a few moments before pulling away.

They laughed as Seth threw a fit and Summer came back into the ring.

As they walked up the ramp, Summer touched Seth's shoulder and intertwined her arm with his.

What happened next took everyone by shock, even Dean and Salem.

Seth shoved her away and she looked at him in shock.

"Stay away from me! It was all your fault! You did this to me! I never wanted anything to do with this, but you gave me no choice! Whatever is going on between us is finished because me and you are OVER!" he yelled at her.

Summer stomped her foot and sunk to her knees as she began crying and throwing a tantrum.

Seth got out of the ring and crossed the barricade before walking through the crowd.

Dean and Salem looked at each other before shrugging and turning to go backstage, arms around each other.

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