Chapter 1 -Wander

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Jihye's POV

"Unnie," I called. Huffing, I stood by one of the acacia trees and laid my palm on the wooden ridges. "The trees lost her, unnie." I mumbled grimacing.

A heavy sigh came from beside me. "S-She's channeling again." Eunbi unnie was leaning on one of the trees trying to catch her breath. I looked on at her worried.

Getting up, I went to her side and tried to get her back on her feet. "Are you sure you can trudge through unnie? I can do it myself. It's not like I'm alone. We're in the forest-"

She laid a finger on her lips trying to shush me and gave me a weak smile. "I'm fine." She got out of my grasp and steadied herself.

I shook my head at her, "Don't you think it's time to go back in the water? It's been a month now. You're getting weake-"

"Shhh." She cut me off as she stopped in her tracks. She spun around trying to feel for something. "I can hear her."

"Really?" I gave her an expectant smile. "Where?"

"W-Wait..." My eyes widened seeing Eunbi unnie drop on the forest floor. Her legs giving out on her.

"UNNIE!" I yelled. My eyes widened even more seeing tiny scales line themselves by her ankles. "W-We need to get you back. Right now!"

"Stop." She held on my arm as firmly as she could. "It's just the moon. I-I'll be fine in a bit." I scrunched my eyes at her.

Moon? Looking up, I felt my ears ring as the sight of the full moon entranced me. I let out a deep sigh as I basked into its light. I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing. Laying my eyes back on Eunbi unnie she was giving me a small smile.

"What?" I asked.

"You w-were so immersed in looking for Minah, y-you didn't even notice your arms." I looked down at her statement and I let out a tiny chuckle seeing the vines faintly lining them. "I'm guessing they want us back as soon as possibl-"

My eyes widened in alarm seeing Eunbi unnie's eyes glaze over. "What are you seeing?! Unnie!" I called, but she wouldn't respond. She usually does when these things happen.

"Wu... The tombstone... Y-Yifan." She stuttered. I couldn't do anything. Pulling her out of someone's head will be too dangerous. "Cemetery." She finally blurted out as her eyes went back to its normal color.

"Minah?" I asked. She nodded. "Did she pull you in or did you?"

"I'm thinking we were both pulling each other in." I scrunched my eyes at her in confusion. "She's channeling herself too strongly. I didn't have a choice, but to jump in." I nodded in understanding. "Help me up. We need to go before she tips herself off."

I got up and stretched my hands out for Eunbi unnie to grab. The vines on my arms were starting to disappear. The sun was about to rise in a few hours which means that we needed to find Minah as soon as possible.

Eunbi unnie steadied herself on her feet. I let out a huff seeing as she was still weak. "You're still gonna have to go back to the water unni-"

"Let's talk about that later." She cut me off. "The cemetery is not that far from here." Spinning around, she tried to look for a safe path for us to take. Glancing at me, she gave me a small smile. "Will you do the honor?"

I rolled my eyes at her. Lifting up my hand, I waved them towards the shrubs and felt the ground shake a bit. Eunbi unnie beamed seeing the trees and the bushes clear away a path. "Happy?"

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