|Chapter Three| Damn It, Leopold

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|Butter's P.O.V. ; 6:41 A.M. ; The Bus Stop|

I was standing close to Kenny and for some reason, I felt weird. Or I mean weirder than when I stand next to him. Usually, I just feel butterflies, but now, they have chainsaws. And maces. And laser sharks. I felt like I was going to throw up but in a good way. The Stan way.

Kyle and Stan were arguing against Cartman about something. Probably Kyle being Jewish. It always is. "Hey Buttercup!" Every time Kenny called me that, it made my heart flutter. No one else called me or was called "Buttercup". "So, have you heard that Clyde is throwing a party tonight?" 

His voice was muffled through the orange fabric. "Well no, but uh, what about it?" I asked inching over to Kenny. "I was thinking of going. Do you want to come with?"

Did he just ask me out?! If so, he is really smooth about it. "Y-yeah! When is it?" Play it off Butters, play it off.

"10. I think. So, you coming or are you grounded?" Kenny asked bringing up the fact my parents grounded me all the time. "I'LL BE THERE, JUST YOU WAIT!!" At that moment I forgot that there were more than me and Kenny there. I blushed a dark red while their others stared at me.

When the bus arrived I jumped on first to get away from everyone. Kenny sat down next to me. That did surprise me. "Thank god you got the window seat." He said, completely ignoring the fact that he was here, in this seat. "What? Why?" 

He laughed. At that moment, I was completely useless. Kenny Mccormick was the most beautiful person I knew. Scratch that. He was the most beautiful person anyone ever knew. His laugh, his personality, his humor, him. 

"Well you see, I die every day, and if I sat next to the window, I'm more likely to die," Kenny explained calmly. But I was in shock! "You die everyday!?! How come no one ever said anything abo-" He cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. 

He put a finger to where his mouth was and shushed me. "People are going to think your crazy! Apparently, every time I die, no one remembers! The other day I was hit by a car." My eyes widened. He got hit by a car!! "Now can I trust that you won't tell anyone? They WILL lock you up. That's what happened to me anyways."

I nodded in response. "Good. I'm going to let go of you now..." Kenny slowly backed away from me. "Wowzers! That was a lot to process!" He just kept his piercing blue eyes on me. "Yea, I know."

Me and Kenny didn't talk much the rest of the way to school, and that was understandable. How do you respond to that type of thing? I wasn't gonna say, "Jeez wiz, I'll call an ambulance now!" That would just be awkward. We got off the bus and I unsteadily made my way to my locker. I felt like I just drank 3 gallons of hard cider!!

It took me longer to get my things than usual. I even got to see Tweek running up and down the halls, looking for his locker number. He wrote it down but dropped it somewhere. 

First period was ELA for me. We were getting into creative writing, and I was excited! We got to write about anything we want, and I was going to write about Kenny! It was going to be a practice confession speech! I would put in everything I felt, and edit out the really cheesy stuff! 

Our teacher was always at least one minute late, so I opened up my binder and got out my pencil. I didn't even care when the teacher came, I just wanted to make this perfect!

"Good morning students, we will be starting creative writing today. You may all get started as I gave the rules yesterday. No foul language, no inappropriate topics, and no offensive slurs! You will be presenting, blah, blah, blah," I didn't get half of that, and I already had my first paragraph!


"Pencils down class! It's okay if you didn't get time to finish, just read what you have already." Read? What? I'm confused. I did a quick scan of the class, and no one else was surprised! Did I miss something? "Tweek, would you like to go first?" The blonde did his best at a shrug, but constant shaking and twitching made it hard for him. 

"Sure, I -nnhg- guess!" This is my punishment for not listening to the teacher! Damn it, Leopold! I have to take out so many things!

I was so worried about "fixing" my letter that I only got the last sentence that Tweek said. It was, "I think o-oceans are -GAH- scary, but n-neat."

"Okay, Butters, you're next." I slumped in my seat. "Do I have to? This is kind of personal..." She tapped her foot impatiently. "Yes, it does. I gave the instructions at the beginning of class! If you want to get an F you can stay seated."

As personal as the letter was, I fixed it and if I got an F, they would ground me! And that means I couldn't go to Clyde's party with Kenny! And I really want to spend time with Kenny. "Fine," I mumbled.

I took a deep breath, stood up and read the paper that was shaking my hands. Maybe even more than when Tweek hold something.

"Before I get to the good stuff I'd like to say something. I don't really care what happens next. It's hard to focus on one part of our lives because we're constantly waiting for something, and when we get it we wait again for something else. But no more. I've made excuses, I've made up reasons why I shouldn't say this but now I think I should." My knees started to buckle, and my voice got weaker. 

"I love someone. Someone who treats me with kindness, when there is none to be found. Someone who makes my heart flutter with joy and my lungs fill with flowers. When you're not around, I miss you, and when you are around, you make my face turn red." Please, please, please, be over soon... "I can't explain why I fell when I did, but I was stupid to realize it so late." A lot of pressure lifted from my shoulders. At least somebody got to hear it...

I sat down quickly and hid my face in my hands. "That was something alright. Okay, Eric, you will go next." She tried to get the attention off of me. 

"Thank you, but before for I start, I would like to make a few points. 1, that was super gay Butters, 2, Jews suck and so does Kyle! Explicitly Kyle!!" 


Sorry, that was so cringy! XD

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