Double Trouble

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You were walking down the halls of the compound when you hear three people arguing, rounding the corner you come across Loki, Peter and Shuri.

"What's going on guys?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at the three.

"Oh uh nothing", Shuri says in an american accent.

You were taken aback, that didn't sound like Shuri's voice, instead of an african accent rolling of her tongue it was an american accent that greeted your ears. Your brows pinched together and you stare at Shuri with with a look of confusion.

"Uh Shuri wh.....".

"Lady (Y/N)", Loki says, cuting you off and stepping in between you and Shuri, "there is nothing wrong I assure you, we were just discussing recent events".

Loki smiles warmly at you but you're  not fooled.

"What recent events?" You question

"Acting", Peter blurts out, unexpectedly.

You look at Peter, and you're even more confused then before, instead of the voice you had expected to hear from Peter you got what sounded like a girl with an african accent. Looking back at Loki you scan his face for an answer but his expression is unreadable.

"Lady (Y/N), I'm afraid we must go no....".

 "ShuriandIswappedbodiesandnowwedontkknowwhatyodo" Shuri blurts out, looking rather upset.

"I'm sorry what", you say, not quite catching Shuri's speed - talk.

"Shuri and I swapped bodies and now we don't know what to do", Shuri says, a bit slower this time.

"WHAT", you shout, looking between the two.

"Shuri and I swap....", Shuri starts off again but you cut in.

"No I heard you the first time but.....just......well......WHAT, swapped bodies?"

Shuri and Peter both nod vigorously.

"So you're Peter?" I say, pointing at Shuri who nods.

"And you're Shuri?" I confirm, pointing at Peter.

"Uh huh", Peter, well acully Shuri says.

Loki just rolls his eyes an leans up against the wall.

"I told them it was a bad idea", the god says.

"You did this?" You ask turning on Loki.

"No it was us".

"We made him".

"He did say no".

"Its our falt".

"He had nothing to do with it really"

"Shuri and I did it".

"It wasn't him".

Peter and Shuri both say to you, jumping in to defend Loki. You don't know what to think, you look at Loki again. He just shrugs.

"They were bugging me saying they wanted to 'be in each other's shoes' so I just gave them a manenock potion so that they would leave me alone, I didn't think much about it till they came back asking for the antidote and I didn't know how to make it".

"What, you didn't think, Loki that's not like you, when do you ever not think", you say, still rather puzzled over the whole situation.

"I rarely listen to what people say while I'm reading", Loki responds.

"Ugh, come on", you huff, grabbing Peter and Shuri or rather Shuri and Peter by the arm and dragging them down the hall to the common room with Loki following closely behind.

"Where are we going?" Shuri, no Peter questions.

"We are going to find Stephen", you say, "and he is going to fix this".

"There is nothing that second rate party trick can do that I cant", Loki states, with a hint of disgust.

You ignore him and continue on down the hall. You march into the common room where you find Thor with his last box of pop tarts, Steve reading a book and Stephen who is meditating.

"Strange", you say, "Strange".

Stephen opens his eyes and upon seeing Peter, Shuri and Loki he sighs, guessing that the three have been up to some sort of mischief.

"What's happened?" Stephen asks.

"These two", you sigh, pushing Peter and Shuri forward, "have swapped bodies".

"Ah, and how did this happen?" Stephen questions, making his way over to the two.

"Loki gave them some sort of potion", you answer. Thor chuckles and Loki gives him a look.

"Right this will be simple", Strange says, positioning Shuri and Peter, "don't move".

Dr. Strange makes about five to six hand movements then a yellow circle appears under Peter and Shuri, their skin starts to glow and bursts of energy shoot between the two children. Thor is staring in awe, Steve has put his book down to spectate and Loki just rolls his eyes. Suddenly it stops and Peter and Shuri examine themselves.

"Did it work?" You ask

Everyone turns to Peter and Shuri.

"Yeah", they both say in there normal accents.

"That was so cool", Peter laughs

"You have to teach me that", Shuri says exitedly.

You laugh at the two.

"Well done Strange, it was a great trick", Thor beams.

"Yeah good job Doc", Steve says.

Peter and Shuri laugh and turn to Loki.

"Loki?" they both say in unison.

Loki narrows his eyes at them.

"No", he says, crossing his arm.

"Please, can we just....", Peter starts to plead before Loki cuts him off.

"No", Loki repeats, turning on his heel and making his way out of the room

Peter and Shuri take off after him.

"Come on", Shuri says, "just one m...."

"NO", Loki growls

You roll your your eyes and sit down next to Thor, he pushes a pop tart over to you and chuckles.

"I'm glad my brother is getting along with them", Thor laughs

"OH FOR ODIN'S SAKE", you hear Loki yell.

"Ha ha, yeah", you laugh.

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