Chapter 17

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***Welcome to Chapter 17... I AM WARNING YOU NOW THAT THERE IS A PRETTY GRAFFIC SCENE OF SEXUAL MANNER IN THIS CHAPTER... That being said... please enjoy... ***

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Chapter 17

"They are here, now?" I called out as I caught up to Mathias and my mom.

There were people running everywhere as they tried to get into their rooms and lock the secure doors behind them. Women were pulling their kids along as fast as their little legs would take them and I waited for Mathias's orders to tell me what to do.

Ahead of us, the hatch that leads to the outside opened and we all froze. Mathias moved me so that I was standing behind him and he got into a fighting stance. I also took the position as I was not going down without a fight.

My dad came down the stairs and walked over to the key pad that was hidden in the wall, pushing a few buttons as he turned off the alarm.

"Damn newbie’s."  He huffed out as he walked past us. "It's alright everyone, it was a false alarm."

My heart started to get back into its normal rhythm and I closed my eyes to catch my breath that I didn't realize had sped up. "Does that happen often?" I asked quietly to Mathias who was running his hand through his hair, obviously trying to calm himself down as well.

"Has not for a long time, there was a couple teens that shifted in the last few weeks and they were out doing a training exercise, one must have forgotten where all the alarm triggers were. Are you okay Ellis?" He looked me right in the eyes and I broke down.

"I will be, it was just scary, I have never had to be in that sort of predicament before. I just need a minute I guess."

Mathias took my hand and led me down a couple hallways until we came to a door at the end of one. He opened the door and inside was a king size bed that had a blood red blanket on it, a tall dresser and a drafting table. He walked me to the bed and sat me down.

"This is our room; I know it's not much to look at, but its private and ours. I will have another dresser brought in for your belongings if you decide to stay and I will clean out some room in the closet. I want you to be comfortable here and make it as if it was your own room, do what you will with it. Now I want you to lie down for a little while and I will come and get you when dinner is ready." He placed a kiss to the top of my head and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Please stay with me; I really don't want to be alone right now." My voice was shaking and pleading to him.

"I can stay for a little bit until you fall asleep, but I do need to talk to Alpha... sorry, your dad about all of this. I just hope that he has calmed down a little bit."

I kicked off my shoes and pants and made my way up the enormous bed. My head rested on the overstuffed pillow that smelled of Mathias so much that I barely had to breathe to take in his addicting scent. He curled up behind me and pulled me into him as he covered me with a soft blanket that was at the foot of the bed.

I moved my hand to my stomach and thought about everything that happened today. I moved to another state with my Mate and his, well my original Pack, found out I am pregnant and had a false alarm attack. It really didn't seem like a lot, but it all wore me out. Mathias put his hand over mine and kissed my shoulder and then up my neck.

"Sleep my love; you will need it for what I have planned for later." I hardly heard him say it as I drifted off into a deep sleep with the man that I will love till the end of time wrapped around me and our child nestled in me.

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