The Family Of Kim-Manoban

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Three Years Later.

There was the time where Lisa was regret, not the enormous regret where she found it thrill when it didn't occur.

The thing is, Jennie loves kids, like really attached to them.

And she decided to have more than one, and that was where Lisa regretted for agreed with Jennie for having more kid at the time their first born was only two years old.

She should have agreed when Angelica Kim-Manoban was five years old or more.

Lisa woke up early in the morning, five a.m in the morning.

However, Jennie was one step ahead of Lisa, she already woke up one hour earlier than Lisa and battled with Angelica in the bed, forced the kid to wake up and get ready.

Seeing that Jennie was nowhere in the bedroom, she quickly sat up, tied her hair up in a messy bun, wore on the prosthetic leg and sprinted out of the bedroom.

Walked straight to the bedroom next to Angelica's.

As soon as Lisa stepped inside the black and pink room, she greeted by a one-year-old boy that looked at her through the rail of the crib.

Lisa shot a bright smile to the boy, the smile that could light up the room, but that smile didn't last long when the baby began to cry.

“Oh no no no no....” The woman fastened her pace, scooped up the boy and placed him in her arms.

This is bad, if her son won't stop crying now, he will....—

“aaaaaAAAA!!!”.....wake his sister up....Lisa heaved out a defeated sigh.

After Angelica, Jennie wished the child of her own, so they began the procedure and soon granted with the twins of boy and girl.

Lisa not only have one mini version of Jennie, but two.

So if she does the math, the married couple in total have three hyperactive kids that need to be taken care of 24/7.

And that equal to no sleep, no alone time together, sore body, eyebags and more.

Lisa immediately scooped her daughter up and placed the baby in her free arm.

Now the woman had two crying infants stuffed in her arms, two of them were like having a crying contest.

The loudest one will earn the delicious milk from mommy Jennie, eventually, both of them earned that price as Jennie strolled inside the bedroom with sleepy Angelica upon her chest.

Jennie was holding two bottles of pumped milk in her hands.

She put Angelica down on the leather chair for a while, then signalled Lisa to hand her Do-Hyun.

Lisa gently placed the crying boy in Jennie's arms, then took one of the pumped milk bottles from Jennie.

“Shushhh.....momma got your breakfast~~~” Lisa cooed Seo-Yoon, wiggled the bottle before her face.

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