Mr. Bi Sceth , chapter 2

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Rain was comforting, V could feel the rain build up days before it began. The tension in the air made him feel agitated, trapped, until the final moment of relief he experienced when the sky finally let go and the tears rained down from the sky, finally setting all that pressure free.

Other people didn't like rain that much.

V watched from a bench on the side of the road in front of his house as a group of schoolchildren, in their fancy, now completely soaked white uniforms tried their very best to shield themselves from the rain by using the umbrella which had snapped back because of the strong wind minutes ago.

He smiled a little as the group finally embraced the fact that, no matter if they'd manage to fix the thing, they were already soaked to the brim and the best thing to do was just walk it off.

So they plummeted through the rain together, determined steps, faces up high, only to hide in the first tobacco shop they encountered.

A little disappointing , but the brief moment of acceptance had made its impact, at least It had on V.

It had made his day just a little better.

V himself had also been completely soaked by the rain, yet he sat on his little wooden bench outside in the open, legs crossed and a big smile plastered onto his face.

That is until Scott interfered.

"What the HELL are you doing outside V, get inside quick you bloody- look at you! ", V quickly got inside, watching as Scott slammed the door behind them.


The two looked at each other, Scott had a stern look on his face, yet slowly the corners of his mouth began to curl as the two of them cracked up laughing.

"V-, V why-.. Why did you sit OUTSIDE in the Rain?!", V let out a slight shrug, "thought I'd go and have a look outside", "in the rain?! ", V pulled a face "rain? Really? where?. " "outside!" "no way".

Scott let out a sigh of disbelief and leaned against the wall behind him, "you're going to get a cold if you don't change out of those clothes you fool", "right, good point", V made his way up the creaky spiral staircase, leaving a trail of water and footprints behind him as he made his way towards his bedroom, discarding of his soaked clothes and changing into a different outfit.

For once he regretted having long hair, when he attempted to quickly dry his hair with a towel but ended up taking a full fifteen minutes before it was back to it's original, not rain drenched state.

Of course V couldn't have even begun to suspect that at the very moment he was fighting the third world war against various strands of tangled hair in the bathroom adjacent from his bedroom, someone had just picked his window lock. Furthermore it would have been highly improbable that V was aware that this stranger was now sitting on his bed, curiously studying the dotted linen sheets as if he had never seen such a thing before, which he in fact hadn't.

And lastly it should probably be mentioned that V could definitely not have known that this stranger was called Mister Bi Sceth, and he normally roamed a different plane of existence.

So one can only imagine that when V, still attempting to straighten a particularly defiant stroke of hair, walked into his room, only to find an 8 foot tall Alter curiously examining the copy of "five steps to a peaceful life" which had been laying on his nightstand, he freaked out.

Scott, who had been sitting downstairs trying to enjoy the afternoon news, ((which included a late weather forecast announcing, you guessed it, rain for the evening)), was suddenly jammed out of his trance by loud yelling and cursing upstairs and assumed the house had caught on fire,which wasn't the case, but caused about the same reaction as if the house had been on fire: a terrified Scott frantically barging upstairs into V's bedroom cursing loudly.

Now this would have been fine if the house had been on fire, but having an Alter in your bedroom, and specifically having Mister Bi Sceth in your bedroom was quite a bit worse then your house being on fire.

So when Scott had started working his way up the stairs and was busy inventing at least two new variations of several swearwords, Mister Bi Sceth wasn't very pleased with that.

At this point, Scott's and V's recollection of what happened begin to show significant differences. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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