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3:18 p.m

dream, including jaemin, finally arrived after literally almost running to the station. their arms were each filled with an assortment of plushies, toys or even tickets. most of the officers looked weirdly at them but most shrugged it off, chuckling while remembering how they were exactly the same with them, only different times.

"sor...sorry we're a bit past the clock, mark" renjun panted, catching his uneven breathing. mark looked weirdly at the sweaty, tired pre-adults that were in his office, confusion evident on his face.

"what do you mean by late? y'all are perfectly on time" mark smiled softly at these six boys, his boys in fact. "they're gonna be here in 5 so you guys better freshen up"

the 6 of them all went to the restroom and began what their advisor called, 'freshening up'. after a lil water fight that started from an accidental splash of water, they all went back to their office.

jaemin was hesitating on whether to follow them but decided against it. he quickly made a sharp turn to the receptionist table. that is, until someone grabbed his wrist and spun him around.

"where are you going hmm", jeno asked the younger, an eyebrow cocking up. the young bear was a bit confused on why this samoyed person decided to stop him from going back to his place.

"uhh im going back to my table...?" jaemin was unsure with what was happening, but he let it flow freely first before thinking about it. the older in front of him could only shook his head at the young bear.

"aren't you also a part of dream? you should come and at least meet our new partners"

3:37 p.m
"why am i even here" that's what jaemin was thinking as he watched about a dozen of incredible looking guys enter the little workspace.

"damn at least they're quite hawt" the bear violently shook his head at the compliment. "wtf jaemin. you're gonna kinda be working with them"

"but damn tho" his unconscious mind is something else. most probably a wild and always horny beast.

if it weren't for jeno almost dragging him back into here, then he'd be watching that kdrama he's been into recently.

" hi, you must be dream im guessing" the one who somewhat looked like the eldest, grinned, his hand extended.

of course, renjun took it, being dream's leader and everything. "yep that's us alright. may i ask who you might be?"

the acquaintance chuckled a deep laugh, mostly an attractive one.

"well, im sangyeon. the oldest and also the leader of the boyz" he motioned to the other 11 members that were present with him in this estranged environment.

the others smiled a bit brighter and some even waved a bit while some stayed looking down, anxiety probably kicking in a bit too much.

"come on guys! introduce yourself" sangyeon smiled softly to his group members, encouraging them more.

"yea we won't bite" jaemin gave them his infamous flirty smirk. the one that drove most girls wild.

the quite most shortest one, came forward with a bright smile. his dark faded orange hair made him looked like an upright and cheery person.

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