School's rules

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I had trouble coming up with what I wanted this chapter to be about but I think I might know what to write for this chapter now!
(It was Soon lunch time and my friends and I went to the cafeteria. I noticed it was Taco Tuesday! I started jumping up and down!)

Sarah-yes!It's taco Tuesday!

(Rainbow laughed)

Rainbow dash-I'm guessing you like taco Tuesday?

(I stopped jumping up and down)

Sarah-yes,I love it! Tacos are my favorite!

Rarity-really darling? I didn't know that.

Applejack-me either,Sugarcube

Sunset Shimmer-it's always nice getting to know stuff about you.

Rainbow dash-yeah,it is

Sarah-you guys are so sweet.

(We got our lunches.after we got them,Rainbow had an idea)

Rainbow dash-hey,do you guys want to eat outside? It's a nice day

Fluttershy-that sounds lovely

Sarah-will the principal allow us?

Rainbow dash-of course Sarah,don't worry

(I was relieved.we all walked outside.once we walked outside,we walked to the horse statue that was in front of the school)

Sarah-I like that statue

Sunset Shimmer-it's cool,isn't it?


(We sat in front of the statue)

Rainbow dash-this is the area where we like to hang out during lunch.

Sarah-that's cool,my school in my world allows me to eat outside for lunch too.

Rainbow dash-that's cool,does your school have the same rules our school does?

Sarah-I think so,does your school have a dress code? Because my school has one.

Sunset Shimmer-dress code?

Sarah-like are there clothes you can wear to school and clothes you can't? At my school, I can't wear shorts or skirts that are shorter than my fingertips.

(My friends were still confused. I started to get up to demonstrate what I was talking about but I realized I was wearing pants.)

Sarah-it's hard to show you what I mean but when you get to my world,I'll be able to show you what I mean.

Rainbow dash-ok,and we can face each other at just dance.

Sarah-oh ya I almost forgot about that

(A moment of silence.I took a bite of my food,after I swallowed, I was thinking about telling my friends other clothes I can't wear at my school but I didn't want to take the chance of confusing my friends even more. I decided to explain it to them when they come to my world)

Sunset Shimmer-so, let me try to can't wear shorts at your school?

Sarah-no actually,I can.they just have to be knee length or something like that.

Sunset Shimmer-oh,gotcha so is it the same rule when you wear skirts?


Sunset Shimmer-ok, I'm starting to understand now.

Sarah-yea,Sorry for confusing you before, I was just trying to think how I was gonna explain it.

Sunset Shimmer-hey,no worries you got me to understand.

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